Mark x nct

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lumark_ gave me this idea cuz I literally had no idea what to write 🤡

((( little space with some smut )))
(((Idk how I did it's my first time writing little space)))

Mark had gone back to Canada because he was missing his friends,
And his country. They had a lot of fun together, they did a lot of things
They played the wii, and many other fun games

But when mark had to move back to Korea, he didn't know how to say bye to his friends, he played a scenario in his head on how he's gonna do it, but he knew he couldn't.

He left without telling them.

Once he landed in korea, he got numerous text from his friends

Once mark read them he felt a wave of regret, he should have told them, If he would have told them, he wouldn't would have received those messages

He tried not think about them, but the more he tried, the more he it came to his mind, he cried a lot he tried his best not to show his members he was paining in the inside, as he didn't want them to worry

One day, he got a text from on of this friends it said

"Hey mark, as a friend, I'm supposed to tell you this, because your "friends" are talking shit about you, and saying that you hurt them by not telling them you were leaving them"

"Ngl, i was hurt as well, but I knew the reason for why you didn't tell us, I told them that, but they didn't care"

Marks tears were on his phone as we read the messages, he was a sensitive and emotional person.

He texted back:

"Yea I guess it's my fault 😅, I shouldn't have been a sensitive bitch, and thank you for telling me, I guess I do understand why they feel betrayed"

"It's not your fault, and if they were your friend, they would have understood as well"

"I guess, well I got to go, I'll text you tomorrow"

"Ok bye"

Mark put his phone down, and started to cry, he felt hurt, he got betrayed by his friends, he was happy he was told what was happening, but he rather not know. He didn't even notice how loud his sobs were.

Once he heard a knock at the door, he didn't respond, he didn't want to talk to no one, actually he did, but he was too embarrassed to let anyone see him cry.

But his bedroom door was closed but unlocked, so they came in, with him.

"What's wrong mark, we heard you crying?" Johnny spoke

mark shook his head "nothing is wrong"

"Then why are you crying? No one cries for no reason like that"

"I know.. but I just don't wanna say why, it's my fault it happened" he spoke in between his sobs.

Taeil was hugging mark from behind,
"I'm sure it's not your fault mark"

"Maybe you can tell us tomorrow mark, you should rest" taeyong told mark

"Yea I guess, we should give mark some alone time, then talk about it with him if he wants, we shouldn't force something out of someone if they don't want to" yuta said.

After they left the room, mark covered himself up with his blankets and cried himself to sleep

NCT x MARKWhere stories live. Discover now