Becoming Heroes

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The next day Kai, Skylor, Zoe, Rowan, Amora, Nya, and Jacob went to get lessons from Kion. Kion taught them about the roar, and what the night pride does. Everyone was enthusiastic to be the future members of the night pride, but Amora noticed something in the distance, so she went to check it out. Amora ran off and saw a cheetah.
"HEY, who are you" asked Amora

"oh, im sorry, allow me to introduce myself," said the cheetah turning around," my name is Anthony"

"I have never seen you around here before"

"I just arrived at the tree of life"

"where is your family"

"I'm a cheetah, i live alone, don't you"

"Actually no, I live with my family"

"interesting, but you are a cheetah, were meant to mostly be alone"

"I know, but My family likes sticking together, its nice, to always have someone to turn to"

"well I have to leave, i'll see you around"

"um, yeah, see ya" said Amora blushing

Meanwhile it was a date night for Kai and Skylor. Skylor was waiting on top of a hill looking at the stars when Kai walked up with a flower in his mouth.

"Hey Skylor, sorry i'm late" said Kai

"it's alright, at least you came" replied Skylor

"I was just talking with my dad about the night pride and stuff"

"Well next time hurry up, i miss your cute face"

"And I miss you whenever Im not with you" said Kai nuzzling Skylor, "wait"

"whats wrong Kai"

"Look, its your dad"

skylor Looked to see her father walk through the boarders of the tree of life. Kai and Skylor went to get their team and Confront him.


"Im here for you, your sister, and you mother, just make this easy and come"Replied her dad

"Don't you dare hurt her or her family" shouted Kai

"you must be the boyfriend"

"and as long as i'm her boyfriend, i wont let you hurt Skylor"

Kai and the night pride (in training) tried to fight off Skylor's dad but he was too strong, and Kai couldn't use the roar because he could hurt his friends. It looked like they were going to lose when they heard a roar. Everyone looked up and saw Kion and the night pride.
"I don't know who you are but Leave before someone gets hurt"

Skylor's father jumped at Kion, but Kion Used the roar and sent him away. After that Kion looked at Kai and signaled him to come over.

"Dad I-"

"what were you thinking, Not only did you put yourself in danger, you put your friends and sister in danger"

"dad, im sorry, I just want to be like you" said Kai tearing up "I want to make you proud"

"Kai, you  don't have to be like me to make me proud, I just want you to be more responsible"

"I just couldn't wait, what if he got in and hurt someone, I couldn't let him do that or hurt Skylor and her family"

"I know how you feel, when I was around your age,  your mom was constantly  scared, she was afraid all the time, because of some things that happened to her when she was little. I promised myself to be with her and to never let her get hurt. When I got my scar,the venom got to my head, and I broke up with her out of anger"

"How did you and mom make up"

"I still cared about your mother, even with the venom messing with my head, and your mother knew that, but I could have lost her forever, and not have you, I don't want you to experience that"

"I don't want to get skylor hurt or lose her, I want to protect her, and Marry her"

"-and have cubs"


"alright i'll stop"

"Dad, how did you do it, lead the old lion guard"

"I had faith in my team and your mother, she was there to support me"

Kion spent the rest of the night with his son, like how he would do with his father when kion was a cub.

Meanwhile Skylor's father walked up to a group of animals.
He gave them information about the tree of life but noticed someone looked uneasy.
"anthony, you look uneasy"

"i'm fine" said the cheetah

"well if you want to see your parents again, you will do as I say"

"yes sir"

And I finally Updated this, Hopefully i can get my computer back soon and it can make me writing these more easier. Remember to vote and comment.

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