'You're nervous'

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*both biological women*

Adore has never been in love. She doesn't believe in love. She thinks it's a trap for the mind, emotional suicide. She never understood how people found their soulmate so easily. All her friends were in happy, perfect relationships and she was hella jealous. She wanted what her friends had. There was just one problem. Herself. Whenever she got into a relationship, she always somehow found a way to mess it up. Not purposely, she just found it hard to trust people and she'd get the wrong idea whenever her partner was texting someone else instead of her. She had tried dating boys before but found it too complicated and she didn't like it, so she moved onto girls and for the first time in her life, she felt like she could do anything. She came out to her family when she was 13 which was terrifying to her because Adores family means absolutely everything to her and she couldn't stand the thought of loosing them, especially her mum and her brother Ernie. She had another brother Frankie but he had his own life and wasn't around that much but Adore still loved him with all her heart. Once she got into high school, the majority of the kids there knew she was gay and knew who she was so she became the most popular girl in school. Being the most popular girl in school came with both rewards and consequences. The rewards being she had a lot of friends so she didn't have to worry about feeling lonely and she always had someone to turn too. The consequences being that she did find that a lot of her old friends were fake and just used her to become popular, which never worked out for them so she never got why people kept trying. She got in a lot of fights and she never got high grades. Her mom was getting worried about her so she decided among herself to get her daughter a tutor to help her get through the last few years of high school. Adore knew of everyone in the school but she was unaware of who her tutor was, and she'd never seen nor talked to her so she was very interested to see how it turned out.

It was a normal Friday night, and Friday night in the Delano household means game night. Frankie and Eddie, her brothers, Frankie's wife, her mother and herself all sit around all night, eating junk food, drinking, well, the adults drinking, Adore drinking small glasses of vodka with coke, having pepsi in between each drink.

it was about 1am and they were all fairly tipsy, and the games just kept going. Adore won nearly all of the games, her family blaming it on the fact that they're drunk, Adore disagreeing to make herself feel proud.

'Adore, can i talk to you in the living kitchen' Adores mom, Bonnie, slurred.

'you mean the kitchen?' Adore chuckled.

'yeah, that' Bonnie lead Adore into the kitchen and Adore perched herself onto one of the kitchen counters.

'Bonnie looked suspiciously nervous, causing Adore to become slightly less calm as she was a second ago.

'if you're going to kill me, tell me now so that i can scream for help' Adore said, trying to lighten the mood and laughing to herself, her laughing dying when Bonnie just looked up with panicked eyes.

'Adore, you have to promise not to freak out and run off okay.' Bonnie questioned sternly, suddenly sobering up.

'okay...? i promise' Adore raised an eyebrow at her shaky mother. 'mom you're shaking whats going on?'

'so, you know how I've been worried about your school grads and your behaviour recently' Adore visibly rolled her eyes.

'Here we go' she muttered, hoping her mom wouldn't hear.

'so, i decided to get you a tutor 3 times a week outside of school, and 3 of 6 of you free periods a week will be with her' Adore jumped off the counter with a hurt expression across her face mixed with anger.

'what?! are you kidding? why?' Adore almost screamed in her mothers face.

'because i will not allow my only daughter grow up to be a dull drop out! i care about you Adore, i want you to turn up to every appointment in school and i will be in the house with you when she comes to the house so don't even think about running out before she gets here.'

'ugh! if you cared about me you know you should've asked me first! my reputation is ruined!'

'i don't care about your reputation right now Adore, i care about your education' Adore stormed out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her room.

she slammed her door shut and locked it.

god she hated her mum sometimes.

-1 week later-

Adores tutor was meant to be coming at 1 pm today and she really wasn't bothered to do this right now. she decided to wear something simple. a pear of fishnets, black dungarees with black converses and a red flannel wrapped around her waist, a white t shirt underneath the dungarees. Her long black hair was down and wavy, she paid that with some orange 'Jimmy Savile' glasses and a long black leather coat. She knew she looked hot, Adore knows she is hot in general, she owns it and she is confident. she's not cocky, but she's confident.

From what her mother had told her, this is what she knew about the girl who was tutoring her

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From what her mother had told her, this is what she knew about the girl who was tutoring her. Her name was Bianca Del Rio, she just moved here from New York and she's in the same year as Adore (i know they're 14 years apart but they wouldn't be in the same school otherwise) and is joining the school on Monday. How her mom found this girl she has no idea but she doesn't really care. Her mom had shown her the girls time table and how lucky for Adore, Bianca was in every single class that Adore was in. How fun. Bianca was an ugly girls name right? thats something thats been on Adores mind all week.

its currently 12:57 and Bianca should be here any second. She doesn't know why but Adore finds herself growing more and more nervous every time a minute goes by. She shouldn't be nervous, this girl is new, she has nothing on Adore, right?

*ding ding*

shit, thats her. Adore gets up to get the door and wipes the sweat from her plans on her jacket. Here goes nothing.
Adore opens the door with nerves running through her body.
She slowly opens the door to reveal possibly the most beautiful girl she's ever laid her eyes on.
'Hi there, i-I'm Bianca' Bianca shyly introduces herself, pushing the stray hairs away from her face before sticking her hand out for Adore to shake.
'Uh, h-hi yeah I know. Adore, Delano' Adore stuttered, happily taking Biancas hand.
'Um come in, my mum has to go out soon but she's getting ready so she'll be down to say hello in a second, here, take a seat' Adore gestured towards the sofa, taking her own place next to Bianca. She didn't realise she was bouncing her leg nervously until Bianca placed her small hand on Adores thigh. Adores leg tingled under the contact.
'You're nervous' Bianca states, more as a statement than a question.
'Uh, yeah a little, I'm not good with new people that's all' and that you're hot as fuck, Adore thinks in her head. 'Is it that obvious?' She turns to look at Bianca and she had a small grin on her face.
'Well apart from the fact that you start every sentence with uh or um and you look like you want to be apart of Stomp (a British percussion group, google it) with the talent of bouncing your leg, I'm gonna say no' both girls giggled and Adore nerves calmed down. In the process of laughing with each other, they had both moved slightly closer together, causing Adores confidence to bubble up again.

My oh my this is going to be a loonnng study session

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