'ugh you're boring'

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hey, hi, i'm not dead, surprise. this chapter starts off a bit slow and is kinda boring but the end for me is adorable i promise so enjoy ❤️

'so' Ernie started, earning a groan from both Adore and her mum. 'shut up Adore'
'why'd your groan?' Bianca whispered in Adores direction whole Bonnie told off Ernie for telling Adore to shut up.
'because, whenever i bring my girlfriend home, he always starts with "so" and that means it's the start of an interrogation' Adore explained.
'i see, so, when you say "my girlfriend" do you mean your current one or girls in the past?'
'in the past. She's been saving herself from going after any girl, she needed to meet you first, wanted to know if you were hot or not' Ernie interrupted.
'Ernie! shut up' Adore spat, speaking through her teeth.
'i'm not wrong baby sis'
'i hate you' Adore smirked.
'so that's true?' Bianca asked, lifting her head from her plate to look at Adore in front of her.
'no. maybe. yes. yeah, it's true' Bianca giggled to herself, her head moving towards the direction of the table again.
'so Bianca, what do you wanna do when you're older? where are you gonna go to collage? or are you going to university? what's your family like? what do you want with my baby sis? will you treat her good?'
'Ernie shut the fuck up, stop pressuring the poor girl' Bonnie defended.
'it's okay Bonnie. i wanna be something to do with shows, musicals, stage stuff ya know. i'm not going to collage, i'm going to university in London. my family are, okay, at times. i want whatever best for your sister and yes, i would treat her very well, like she's the only girl in the world' Bianca finished and took a glance at Adore, seeing she was staring at her with glassed over eyes.
'good answer, correct answer. that's a first, Adore, she's a keeper' Ernie teased.
'i've been told' Adore spoke quietly, not taking her eyes off of Bianca.

everyone had finished their food after around an hour and they were all making their way over to the sofa.
'that was amazing Bonnie, Adore was right, thank you so much' Bianca thanked Bonnie, giving her a big smile.
'your welcome dear' Bonnie smiled as she got out of her chair and gathered the plates.
'it's getting late, i better be heading home, thank you for an amazing evening' Bianca stood from her chair, Adore joining her.
'are you sure? you can't even stay for desert?' Adore insisted.
'i really should get going'
'okay, have you got a lift?' Adore asked
'uh no my mum dropped me off here but she's in work, i'm walking' Bianca explained as she packed her books into her bag.
'Adore can take you' her brother butted in.
'thanks for the offer but it's late, i know you don't like driving at night, i'll be fine'
'exactly, it's late, i'd much rather drive at night than let you walk home in the dark on your own' Adore looked at Bianca with sad eyes. obviously that was one of the reasons, but the main reason was that she wanted to spend more time with Bianca, and she lives a 45 minute drive from here, which means 45 more minutes with the girl.
'are you sure? i live like an hour away'
'i'm certain' Bianca smiled, Adore returning the gesture.
'okay, thank you'
'of course'
'you guys better be going then, it's almost 10, and Adore needs to shower' Bonnie told the girls, giving her keys to Adore. 'don't crash her please, you'll be grounded for a year if you do'
'okay sure' Adore joked, Bonnie shooting her a stern look, letting her know she wasn't joking. 'i'm kidding, i won't, i promise' Bianca opened the front door, holding it open for Adore.
'i'm sorry about those two, they're not used to guests' Adore apologised she they walked down the drive towards her mums car.
'it's okay. i really like them, it's been fun' Adore smiled. She opened Biancas door, stepping to the side for Bianca to enter the black jeep. Adore walked around the front of the car and got in.
they sat in silence for the first 10 minutes of the drive. was it awkward silence? neither of them knew, but they liked each others company so they didn't really focus on it. The longer they were in the car, the more nervous Adore grew. she hates driving at night, she never found it safe. she bounced her leg up and down everytime they stopped at a light or a stop sign. it was the 4th red light of the night and Bianca gave up in trying to be subtle. Adore was yet again bouncing her leg and Bianca places her hand on Adores bare thigh.
'you're okay' Bianca spoke quietly, making sure she doesn't startle the nervous wreck asst next to her.
'i know, i just hate driving at night, and i have to keep my eyes on the gps, so i'm constantly taking my eyes off the road. it's just scary that's all.' Adore gave Bianca a nervous half smile, Bianca giving her a sad one back.
'pull over at the garage on the left' Bianca demanded softly.
'just do it' Adore turned the wheel and pulled into the garage.
'get out' she demanded again. Adore did so and Bianca joined her, she walked around the Adores side of the car and got in the drivers seat.
'what are you doing' Adore asked, keeping the car door open.
'i don't like you being nervous, it makes me nervous, and you look scared and upset, i don't like that, so i'll take it from here' Adore let the tear that she had in her eyes the whole time, fall. she didn't really realise that Bianca did actually care about her until now.
'thank you' she whispered, walking around to the passenger side.
as Bianca started the car, Adore brightened up a little, sitting up straight with her legs learning towards Bianca. she put her head in her hands, letting her mind wonder and her eyes fall on Bianca.
she had taken in the girls beauty before, yet she was still the most beautiful girl Adore had ever laid her eyes on. her dark auburn hair fits her face perfectly and she wears a lot of makeup but it somehow makes her look so perky. her eyes travel down to Biancas body. her waist is small, but she's got hips and her figure is to die for. she's got fairly large breasts, she would know. her legs have got a bit of meat to them but they're far from thick, they're perfect.
she hadn't realised how long she's been staring for until she heard Bianca click in her face.
'you know i'm not blind right? i can see you staring at me' Bianca chuckled, Adore didn't even move an inch, she just lifted her head to look Bianca in the eyes.
'what can i say, i like why i see' she grinned and Bianca blushed furiously under her makeup.
'shut up' she giggled quietly.
after driving in what seemed like comfortable silence, Bianca places her hand on Adores thigh again.
'i'm not nervous anymore' Adore stated, looking at Bianca. Bianca turned her head to look at Adore with a smile.
'i know' she turned her focus back to the road and a smile creeped onto Adores face.
They drove for about 15 more minutes talking about anything and everything, until they came to a stop. Biancas house.
a sad atmosphere took over the happy one they seemed to be in a second ago.
Bianca got out first and jogged over time Adores side to open her door for her and held her hand out for Adore. With a smile, Adore gladly accepted, stepping out the car and pulling her shorts down when she was fully out. Bianca shut the car door and started walking ahead of Adore uo the small driveway.
Biancas house wasn't big, but it wasn't small, it looked like a home, somewhere where she felt safe. that's not how it was in the inside, she didn't tell Adore but she will, eventually.
'this is me' Bianca spoke sadly as they approached her front door.
'i had a good time today, thank you, i don't talk to anyone about my personal life anymore, i can't trust people, but you're new so if you try to expose me it ain't gonna work out' both girls chuckled 'anyway, thank you' Bianca took Adores hand in hers.
'and thank you. your family is nice, so are you. we've known eachother for only a few hours but i feel like we've known eachother for a lot longer. i can trust you, i hope you trust me' Adore smiled and squeezed Bianca's hand.
'of course i do' Bianca looked up into Adores eyes and Adore did the same, they had gradually gotten closer and closer until Bianca leaned in and Adore met her halfway. Their lips touched softly and they moved in sync. the kiss was slow, and wasn't very passionate but they didn't need it to be right now, they just needed eachother.
'i should get going' Adore whispered as she pulled away, she rested her forehead on Biancas, closing her eyes.
'yeah, i better get inside as well. i'll see you tomorrow at school yeah?' Adore rolled her eyes at the thought of it being Monday tomorrow.
'i hate monday's' Adore grunted, still wearing a smile.
'i can tell' Bianca replied. she stepped away from Adore and dropped her hands from Adores neck.
'goodnight Adore'
'goodnight Bianca' Bianca turned away and opened her front door, closing it behind her, not daring to look at Adore, worried she'd get a shit eating grin on her face.
'goodnight Bianca' Adore repeated quietly with a large smile on her face as she got back into the car.
she suddenly grew nervous again, she felt discomfort with Bianca no longer being in the car to calm her. Her phone buzzed in the seat beside her and she thanked the lord that it buzzed before she started driving.
she turned on her phone and saw she had a message from Bianca. she swiped it open and the message read 'drive safe gorgeous 😘💕' she smiled to herself and typed a reply 'i will beautiful, have a good sleep, dream about nice things 😍💓' she set her phone down and started the car. she took a big deep breathe in and started driving.

~ one hour and 25 minutes later ~

Adore has never been so thankful to see her front door in her life. she didn't die, so almost crashed 4 times but she didn't die, so she was taking that as a win.
Her phone had gone off about 7 thousand times and she wanted to throw her phone out the window. she went upstairs and checked all the deathly notifications that could've killed her.
2 of them were form Bianca so she didn't really mind that. She had sent adore a very very hot selfie and a message that read 'i know you're probably still driving and want to kill me for making your phone go off but i'm stepping in the shower then heading to bed, i've got a big day tomorrow so i'll text you in the morning 😘💕' that was sent 10 minutes ago so she knew Bianca was still awake so she sent her a quick reply 'okay baby. is your mum driving you to school tomorrow??😍💕' Adore was surprised when Bianca replied almost immediately.
'no, she's working again aha, why? 💕'
'let me drive you, you'll get a good start off to the year then, walking in with the popular girl, it'll be fun'
'not quite sure i wanna experience morning Adore this early if i'm being honest😂💕'
'i'm so offended. i am a joy to be with at 7am in a monday morning. pleaseeeee'
'fine, be here by 8:15, i don't want to be late'
'ugh you're boring' she went off the messages and stared at the picture.

 pleaseeeee' 'fine, be here by 8:15, i don't want to be late' 'ugh you're boring' she went off the messages and stared at the picture

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Adore almost choked on her own spit when she opened the photo.
Bianca was a model of some sort. she wore heavy makeup but she was so beautiful and her hair looked so much more ginger in this than in real life but she loved it. she could see herself making it her goal for this girl to be hers by the end of the year. she was certain.

Bianca was turning her inside out. and was Adore complaining? absolutely not.

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