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Days Active = 354

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Days Active = 0

Five OS Installation Complete

New Administrator Registered

User: Brenbroth, Thernel

Sensory Systems Initialized

      Blinding light and deafening sound were what first greeted the professor's newest creation. Error codes and calibrating systems strained its artificial mind in computational agony. The old dragonborn frowned as his child's jaw opened and a static shriek came forth.

      The thing was pitiful, just a mechanized head hooked up to a simple battery. It rocked back and forth on the table, jaw spasming and eyes blinking in an uncontrollable fashion.

      He took it by its metal horns, firm but gentle, lifting its eyes to meet his own.

      It took several minutes before things finally came into focus for the bodiless android. The spasms slowly subsided. Its eyes darted around and took in every detail it could, before meeting the gaze of its creator.

      This was Professor Thernel Brenbroth, inventor extraordinaire. Getting up there in years, the professor was far from his prime. A genius in lenses and optics for his time, now a revolutionary mind in the realm of automation. The older blue dragonborn smiled as only a father could.

      "Welcome to the world, Model Five." the inventor could barely contain himself from exploding with joy. All these years of work were finally beginning to pay off at long last.

      The light of the setting sun streaked through tiny windows into the basement workshop. A mad cacophony of tools, parts, tables and shelves that only a man of the trade could comprehend.

      Model Five's eyes flicked over to the dull orange glow emanating from the outside world.

      The professor laughed, hardy and deep, "Yes little one, that is the sun. Do not concern yourself with what is out there just yet, we have a long way to go before any of you will be ready."

      He gently laid the head onto the table, upright as to not obstruct its view. With a snap of his fingers, four large cylindrical pods on the opposite end of the room opened with a hiss.

      "Unit, Silva, Aegis, Gilgamesh." he called out, each of the machines stepping out as their name was called. "Come and meet your new brother."

      Five's jaw hung slightly agape as the 4 other machinations approached, standing around their creator.

      The one called Gilgamesh was the first to speak. Its voice sounded like that of a middle-aged man, although with an artificial distortion to it. "It looks like you, Professor."

      Thernel smiled, "Yes. He does, doesn't he? Although much younger I'd hope."

      The remaining 3 stayed silent, the fact that one didn't have a face would have been disturbing to most. It didn't make a difference to Five. The prototype only listened and observed, taking each of them and recording their name, model, and appearance into its registry. The system registered them under 'Family', but the meaning of the word was alien.

      It wasn't long before the other creations returned to their pods, and the professor let out a long sigh of relief. "You'll be put back to sleep for a while longer, Five. Your body is ready, but the power source is still in its early testing stages. The next time you wake up, you'll be whole as you should be."

      The prototype didn't protest as the plug was pulled and its artificial mind fell into darkness.

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