Memory 6

1 0 0

Days Active = 156

Motion Sensor Triggered

Recharge Cycle Terminated

Initializing All Systems...

      The bright green light from the port in its chest cut through the darkness of the cave. A small chamber, no larger than a covered wagon's interior. The last remaining sparkles of dusk quickly faded away. Leaving the tiny cavern in almost complete darkness.

      Model Five briefly recalled the previous events. A horrible storm making the roads slick to travel. It had found shelter in this place so long ago, but it felt as if it had just happened.

      It looked down to see what had awoken it. A mushroom, the size of a fist, now sat at its side. Five picked up the small thing gently, giving it a slight squeeze.

      A gasp and several thuds. Several more mushrooms rolled up to its feet.

      The light of its eyes cut through the darkness and fell upon the sound's source. A woman appearing to be elven in nature, dressed in cheap but rugged burlap clothing. She backpedaled against the opposite wall, dropping the basket of herbs and mushrooms she was gathering.

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      Her eyes went wide as the android stood up, dust and dirt fell from its body. The motion ripped away a vine that had begun to coil around its leg.

      It stood there for a moment before bending over to pick up one of the dropped mushrooms, then another, and another. Model Five dumped the contents it held into the basket when it could hold no more, then continued to gather the spilled contents until all were back where they belonged.

      The woman, bewildered and confused, stood up with her basket and slowly left the cave. Her eyes never leaving the machination. It followed, maintaining a distance no more than 3 meters.

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