Blame (Brandon Rogers) X Reader

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"You what?!" I yell. He flinches backwards. "What the hell are you talking about blame?!" He gulps. "Now Y/N calm down-" "Calm down?! Your literally from the future saying that the apocalypse is going to happen tomorrow!" He sighs. "That's why I'm here, I'm here to take you with me to the future so your safe with me." He says and grabs my arm. "Why do I have to go with you?!" I yell ripping out from his grip. "Look if you don't come with me right now the past me is gonna come back!" He whisper yells. I shake my head. "Fine." I mutter. He holds my hand and takes out the supposed time traveling device. "Hey time traveling piece of shit, take me back." He says into the device. I feel a sudden sickness overcome me. I blink and all of a sudden we're in some kind of bunker. "Blame are you back!" A voice yells. "Of course I'm back dawg!" A man rolls out from the corner of a doorway in a wheelchair. "The oldest Elmer?" I ask. Elmer nods. "Indeed, nice to see you Y/N. And is this your..." he pauses and looks blame you and down. "Boyfriend?" He mumbles. "What?! No!" I squeak and pull my hand out of his. I blush. "Great... now blame I must talk with you. Y/N you can wander around, but if a door is locked don't try and open it. That's probably a door you don't want to open." Elmer says. Elmer rolls away and blame follows closely behind. I look around at the room I was standing in. I look around and all I see is a couple of hallways and a giant crimson metallic vault door. A loud bang comes from the door. I trip backwards at the sudden sound. "Hello?!" A raspy voice yells. I try and crawl backwards before the door slams open and I see three green skinned people. "What the fuck?!" I whisper. "Oh hello there. Suck Swallow, find the eldest Elmer I'll deal with the girl. The two what I'm assume assistants walk in different hallways on either side of the bunker. "Hello bitch." The man sadistically smiles. "Who are you?!" I say as I scramble to get back up on my feet. "I'm Bobby worst and I'm a horny terrorist." His smile grows. "Well that was a little too much information... who are you and what are you doing here?!" I yell. "I'm here for Bryce, and to kill everyone here." He aims his gun at my head. "Any last words?" I look to my sides and see Blame and Elmer pinned to the floor by the two people I saw earlier. I kick them both in the stomach and take my pocket knife out, stabbing them both in the back. "No!" The latex suited man yells. Blame and Elmer stand up and shoot Bobby in the chest. He gasps and coughs up blood. "N-no..." he groans. "I'm not going to give up until I-I kill b-Bryce tank-t-thrust..." he slowly tries to crawl but I step on his back and stab him. "ITS NOT FAIR!" He screams. He goes limp after. I start to calm down then it really sinks in what I just did. I-I killed three men... I run into a room and sit down on the cold concrete floor. "I killed them..." I whisper tugging on my hair. "Hey Y/N are you alright?" A voice asks. I look up and see blame looking down at me. "I-I'm fine..." I sniff and look down at my F/C boots. He sighs and sits down next to me. He wraps his arm around my shoulders. I blush and lean on his chest. He pulls me on his lap and embraces me. "I know it's scary... I know you might not even know what's going on. But trust me I'll fix this. You and I." I glance at him, my face now a crimson red. "Thank you blame..." I whisper. He pulls me into a soft kiss. My eyes widen as I pull away. "Oh I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to do that!" He stutters blushing madly. I smile and giggle as I pull him in for another kiss. I feel him smile against my lips as he deepens the kiss. We pull away panting trying to catch our breaths. "I love you blame." I whisper. He caresses my cheek and softly smiles. "I love you too Y/N."

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