bonus linhiana chapter

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a/n: this chapter takes place after the part in 6 that goes as follows:

the door opened, & tam stepped out. when he saw linh, he rolled his eyes. please leave. go see biana or something.

linh flushed, quickly looking away. um yeah sure i'll do that! she squeaked, her voice an octave higher than usual. tam closed the door as linh stumbled away, head full of thoughts of a certain teal-eyed brunette.

okay now let's get on with it. (also heads up i'm kind of bad at writing fitz so just fyi he's not himself in this and he's also a total asshole sooo...)

the door opened, & tam stepped out. when he saw linh, he rolled his eyes. please leave. go see biana or something.

linh flushed, quickly looking away. um yeah sure i'll do that! she squeaked, her voice an octave higher than usual. tam closed the door as linh stumbled away, head full of thoughts of a certain teal-eyed brunette.

once she had actually leaped to the gates outside everglen, though, she was starting to doubt tam's plan. recently, every time her mind flashed to biana's sun-kissed face, she could feel herself blush, barely able to form a full sentence. it was funny; since fitz & sophie had broken up, fitz had been constantly hitting on her, but the only person who filled her thoughts was his little sister.

well, other than tam. linh had been pretty worried about her twin recently, but since keefe had started visiting she thought she could sense a turn for the better.

this was a bad idea, linh told herself. she turned to go back...

but just then, the gates opened. & they weren't opened by just anybody. no, they were opened by the girl linh had been dreaming about for weeks.

biana vacker.

she grinned when she saw linh. her teeth were blindingly white. come tell us who was right! she grabbed linh's wrist, pulling her through the jeweled gates.

linh felt paralyzed, & she could feel her palms sweating. um, she started.

biana laughed. she was wearing a soft, frilly lavender tunic that displayed all of her scars, simple black leggings, & her idea of casual footwear—sparkly, golden ballet flats. her hair was in a high ponytail. sorry! fitz & i saw you outside & bet on which one of us you wanted to see. so which is it?

linh's throat was dry. she swallowed, trying to think of something clever to say. what if i were here to see your mom?

biana laughed. oh, mom would have told us. she paused. wait, you're not, right?

linh tried to smile. no.

just then, fitz jogged into the lavish entry hall. linh! he said. hey.

oh, hi fitz, linh said. even in her slightly off-kilter state she could tell her voice sounded off, but she couldn't muster the excitement fitz probably expected her to greet him with. no matter how cute other girls (or boys) might think he was, tanned skin handsome with teal eyes that looked gorgeous in another girl & thick dark hair ever so slightly matted, linh couldn't have been less enthusiastic about his evident crush on her. she didn't know if he just needed a rebound girlfriend after sophie or what, but she was not & had never been interested. not just in fitz. in any boy.

so are you here to see me? fitz asked, flashing an easy, well-worn smile. or her?

biana rolled her eyes. ugh, fitz, you're such an ass. ten lusters linh is only here to see her awesome girlfriend.

fitz rolled his eyes & said, fifteen she's here for me. are you here for me, linh? but linh's mind couldn't grasp his words. they were focused on a far more important one.


linh knew biana didn't mean it like that. she meant it in the way straight female elves called their straight female elf friends girlfriend. the way one would say, i'm gonna go hang with my girlfriend. or hey, girlfriend! she didn't mean a real girlfriend. obviously. because they weren't dating.

but still, linh felt a blush creeping up her cheeks. & of course, fitz thought the blush was his.

i win! he said triumphantly. hand over those fifteen lusters, bi. look at linh, she's blushing!

biana rolled her eyes, untying her hair ribbon & tilting her head downwards, so her brown hair cascaded over her shoulders like waves in the cold ocean linh loved. you're so full of yourself, fitz. has it ever occured to you she could be blushing because she likes me? she never said she's here for you.

linh thought she might die. she loved biana more than she had ever loved any other girl. (she'd say any other person, but her love for tam, while a different, familial kind, was still love, & it was still there.) biana had stood up for her. & she'd said linh could like her!

linh tried to remind herself that didn't mean anything.

but it did.

at the very least, it meant biana wasn't a homophobe.

& at the very most?

linh's blush grew.

fitz gave biana a strange, somewhat petrified look. the minute linh thought she had seen it, though, it faded into disgust. likes you? are you gay or something? that's so weird.

now biana looked angry. what the fuck, fitz? anyway, she could just be blushing because she's embarrassed to be the center of attention.

okay, geez, fitz said, & he walked away fast. linh thought she caught another glimpse of his scared, anxious face before he was gone. but maybe she was just imagining things.

when linh looked back at biana, she was blushing. sorry about that. fitz is such a dick sometimes, it's ridiculous.

it's not your fault, linh said. & just for the record, he owes you fifteen lusters.

biana smiled, & her face lit up. i knew it! she giggled, & it was the sound of windchimes & love.

she was beautiful. & she was incredible. & she wasn't linh's.

but maybe, one day soon, she would be...

a/n: while i am sad to see our beautiful kam story fade to an end, a linhiana one may be just beginning... ;)

this concludes 'this is our legacy now'. i strongly suggest you follow me for updates & announcements about the legacies series. as always, vote & comment, & please, recommend this story to your friends. it means a lot to me when people read it.

shoutout to HexWolf5678 for guessing the ships in the rest of the series. they are linhiana, fedex, & sophella. i started the second book, 'will you be my legacy?' so you can go add it to your libraries and make sure you get notifications.

now that this story is done, i would be thrilled if anyone could give me some feedback about its strengths & weaknesses. please, if you have any constructive criticism, feel free to let me know.

thank you all so much for reading 'this is our legacy now'. this story was truly a fun one to write and i look forward to exploring the format and world. i wish you an incredible tomorrow from the bottom of my heart

xoxo ref

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