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Mom has been bugging me to home more often. It's not like I don't want to see her or the twins. But every time I am there I feel awkward and out of place. Not only do they live in a new house but to see my father actually act as a father to Alexander and the twins and do all the things he never did with me. I just remind of how much I still can't forgive him. After High school, I went straight to college and lived on campus for four years. I needed a break and to work on myself. Alexander stayed which I can understand considering after what happened with his mom. After the accident with Alexander was all the news I wanted to stay away from the limelight.

I gave up playing baseball and forces all my energy into my love for sea life. Being near water and sea animals always bring me peace. During my last year of university, my professor was the one who encourages me to start my own foundation. At first, I wasn't sure about that idea. My plan after I got my degree was to work for a research team one of my professors worked for or maybe even be a teacher. I never thought to start my own research. When I told mom about it she was so excited and told me to go for it just like she did with her dance company. So I took their advice and used up all my savings and started my foundation named Saving Dory.

I knew mom wasn't going to like the name. But to me, the name and the foundation means the world to me because my time with water and fish are the only beautiful memories I have growing up. Mom is the one who discovered my love for fish. And she is the reason I have made it this far in my life. I owe everything to her.

Although mom is very busy with their company and now the twins she still always finds the time to check up on me and make sure I am okay. When she said she wanted me to come over so we could celebrate my birthday as a family together I was surprised. I told her we didn't need to do that and that I am fine with just a small family dinner. She just gave birth a month ago and I wanted her to send her days relaxing and not stressing over me. But of course, mom was not having it. My birthday wasn't bad. I loved seeing all my family together. Every time I come back home I will always find a new picture frame up on the wall and it would remind me of more memories I have missed or never had.

Coming back home I realize just how much the twins have grown in just a short amount of weeks. Also, I notice Alexander has changed ever since we graduated from High School. I am not sure if it's the therapy or mom's doing. These past couple of years I notice Alexander has come into his own. He is no longer quiet and keeps to himself as he used too. He is more outspoken and smiles more. When he is around mom or the twins he is happy and full of life. Sometimes I would catch him and dad on T.V and I realize just how smart he is. I knew he graduated a year before his class but seeing all the work and progress he made for my dad's company. I know that giving Alexander the position was the right choice.

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