His Luck (Stevie Rae, Erik, Aphrodite, Darius, and Heath's POV)

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Summary: In the midst of the Neferet problem, Erik gets pissed at Aphrodite and she has to try to stop him. Can she get back in the tunnels before something happens? Read to find out.

Stevie Rae

It's a dark night in the Tulsa, Oklahoma tunnels. We're all in the main room, which just so happen to be me and Zoey's bedroom. Darius is taking care of Z, while Heath and Stark stand by. The rest of us stand by a little farther away. I can't wait to see if Z will be okay. She was attacked earlier by Neferet.

Aphrodite walks in looking flustered and upset. She's upset and she's mentally in pain.

"I didn't see this. How could I not have seen this?" she says, as she walks in.

"Just because you're a Prophetess doesn't mean you see everything, bitch," Erik says to her, turning around from watching Darius and Z, taking out what he feels at the one person he shouldn't.

Once upon a time, we all hated her. But now this angers me, feeling her emotions through the Imprint.

"Bitch?" she says to him. "How many times have I willingly helped you? Yes, I complain. But I care about all of you. So, shut the hell up, Erik," she says angrily, anger and hurt flowing through the bond from the Imprint.

I can't stand the feeling, so I do something. Well, I try to do something about it.

I go to stand at her side and hiss at him in anger.

"Are you forgettin' who you're talkin' to, smart ass? If it weren't for the danger, I would've thrown you out of here a long time ago. Now, be nice or I'm goin' to be your mother and send you to your room."

He glares at me and I do likewise.

"Maybe I will," he snaps.

When he leaves the room, he goes the opposite direction of where his room is. I know I did something wrong then.

Aphrodite sighs.

"I'll go after him. Maybe I can stop him."

She hurries out of the room to catch up with him.

Erik Night

As I reach the door to leave, I smell her scent and hear the Hag From Hell say, "Erik!"

I turn around to face her.

"What? You want more? You want an apology? Forget it. I'm out of here."

I turn my back on her and open the door, leaving the tunnels.

"Get back inside, moron!" she orders me. "Something could happen. Please," she adds.

"I just need time to think and cool off. Leave me be," I inform her.

Then, just as we're outside with the door closed, I feel pain in the middle of my chest. As I do, I hear her say, "Erik!" Then everything blurs together.

A few minutes later, as I lay on my back on the ground, her at my side, everything starts to go black.

Aphrodite Lafonte

As I kneel at his side, I know I must do something; anything.

"Erik, stay with me. Don't you dare. You have to stay awake. I can't get you inside on my own," I inform him, desperate.

I put one of his arms around my shoulders and one of mine around him, using my body weight as I get us both to our feet, to hold him up. Then, with my free hand, I open the door and close it behind us.

In the next instant, he blacks out and it's all I can do to keep him on his feet.

Darius-Son of Erebus

When I feel what the Prophetess is feeling, I tell Stevie Rae and the others to stay. I smell it. The blood. It's not hers, thank Goddess.

Not long afterward, I lay him down on Stevie Rae's bed as Zoey is waking up. And as I start to take the arrow out I ask the Prophetess, "What happened?"

"I don't know. One minute I'm persuading him to get back inside. The next minute there's an arrow in his chest."

After she tells me what she knows, I guess it was the Queen Tsigli, also known as Neferet.

Soon after, I finish up with him.

Heath Luck

I'm quite thankful later, knowing everyone is okay after the attack. Especially, Zoey. I don't rightfully know what I'd do without her. I grew up with her, dated her, and now we're Imprinted. I'll always love her. I only hope that Neferet will be defeated soon.

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