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Rosé was currently waiting for Jimin outside of his bar because today they are going to steal that journal from that CEO office.

She was wearing a large shirt with shorts beneath, her hair tied in a braid with her sparkling canvas making her look like a living doll. She was getting more and more annoyed every passing second.

She heard running steps behind her.
"Where the hell were you? You know it's getting late?"

Jimin catches his breath and moved his hair from his forehead."I was in the meeting with some beverage company and without further ado let's go!!" With that, he grabs her hand and walked towards his bike.

"Are you serious?"Rosé raised her brows.

Jimin smirked in return and shrugged his shoulders. He wears his helmet and throws another one to Rosé.

Rosé sighed and sit behind him. Jimin was expecting that she would snake her arms around his waist or do something like that but she just crossed her arms over her chest. Jimin turned to look at her but she shrugged in return.

Even though he was riding with the fastest speed she still kept her posture like that Jimin even turned here and there but she didn't budge.

Rosé, on the other hand, was scared out of her wits but didn't show it on her face.

Finally, they stop in front of the Warm Delights. The building was your typical vintage style but it wasn't much attractive like hers.

"Why didn't you put your hands around me?"Jimin spoke with frustration.

Rosé raised her brows and show him a fierce look.

"It's just what if you fell off? You could get yourself some injuries Right!" He spoke with hesitation.

"But I didn't and I am perfectly fine...then let's go!"

With that, they walk in the alley that was beside the building. Looks like they have to break in from the kitchen back door.Because the front door was guarded by guard although he wasn't there but his things were.

Jimin take out a master key from his pocket and moved it into the keyhole. With the click it opened they quietly move in.

After looking up and down everywhere they finally get their hands on her journal. She starts to jump and dance in happiness but one thing stopped them.

Something fell off from that journal. Rosé curiously picked it up and looked at it. It was a photo of a boy maybe 13 years or younger than that but that boy seems rather familiar.
She looked at Jimin to find him standing like a mannequin.

She decided to keep that picture in its place but Jimin hand stopped her.
She looked at him with a questioning gaze.

But he just put that picture in his Jean pocket and went out of the door.

Something was off and that photo has something to do with that.


Rosé was working in her office.Even though it's been 3 weeks since they have taken that journal from her office but there was no reaction from them.

And also she was thinking of taking down that Warm Delights.

On the other day, there was a cooking competition where she met the owner of Warm Delights Lena Frank.

She was a 55-year-old witch looking, woman. She is not judging her or anything it's just the that she was giving were that of watches vibes but what angered Rosé the way she treated her on that day?

She was making fun of Rosé cafe and her cooking just to trigger Rosé and make her a bad guy in the other people's eyes but Rosé kept her emotions to herself and just smile in the return.

But that doesn't stop Rosé from thinking of defeating her but how is she going to do that.

She sighed and closed her file, walking out of her office she was thinking of finding a new manager for herself because she has kicked out Aria after finding that she was the one who had given that journal.

She was talking with some of her customers when her eyes moved outside the cafe and stopped there. Jimin was coming out of his car clad in denim jeans and jacket but his mood seems off and by looking at his face one can tell that he was crying but he covered his eyes as soon as he come walk into his bar.

It confuses Rosé a lot because he hasn't annoyed her or talk to her since that night. Speaking of that night who was that kid in the picture? and if she is not wrong then something happens to Jimin after that day.

But what exactly happened?

"Are you alright?"The woman sitting beside her asked.

"Ah yeah..What were you saying?"She came out of her thoughts.


She was getting into her car after closing her cafe when her eyes moved towards the Jimin's bar.

Lena Frank owner of Warm Delights was walking in there. She ignores her presence because it was a famous bar and mostly rich people come here so it was normal for a woman rich like Lena to visit that bar.

She was on the road but something keeps bugging her. Like there was this uneasiness in her gut. Flashes of that night at Lena office going on in her mind, the way Jimin acted his, his mood change and now her appearance in front of his bar.

Out of nowhere, she stopped the car because today was Thursday and it means bar was closed today.

Jimin only opened his bar only on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On other days his bar was only open up for business purposes and that too till 8 in the evening and it was 11 in the night.

She stopped her car in front of his office and run inside. There was no one who can stop her.

She stopped in her tracks when she hear the sound of someone whimpering follow by a loud thud.

Without wasting another second she runs upstairs towards Jimin's office.
She opened the door but it was empty.

She moved towards the other room and opened the door it was all dark so she opened up the lights. But her jaw dropped at the sight in front of him.

Park Jimin was curled up on the floor with his hair clinching in his fist.

"Jimin!Hey!"Rosé called out for him. Jimin opened his eyes in an instant and get up.

His eyes moved towards Rosé canvas which was sparkling in the light. She worriedly looked at him and came to sit beside him.

"Are you alright?"Rosé had never seen a man cried before.

Jimin just shook his head and throw his face in his hands. She was looking at him who was now sobbing hard. She doesn't know what to do?
Why he was crying so hard?

"Jimin what happen? Why are you crying?"She ask him softly but Jimin head just fell backward.

Looks like he fainted.Leaving Rosé in her thoughts and with him.

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