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After that night Jimin decided to ignore Rosé because, in the end, he was tired, tired of running after her. She is never going to understand his feelings for her. That thought alone was enough to make him depressed.

He had isolated himself and his work not talking and staying at home away from anyone has become his habit now.

He had never love anyone like that. She was the first one.


Rosé was walking back and forth in her office. Jimin wasn't picking up her calls and he was not at his bar also.

Rosé has become really anxious now.
She has finally decided to confess to him. But when she tried to reach him he wasn't there.

Without thinking she moved out of her office and went to his place.

She was speechless after coming into his penthouse. Curtains were drawn, everything was scattered all over the place and his house looks deserted.

She opened his room door but didn't find Jimin here. She searched the whole house but couldn't find him.

Out of the blue, she heard a whimper.
She walked towards his room because that whimpering voice was coming from there.

She immediately opened his bathroom door to find Jimin lying on the floor.

"Oh God!Jimin!" She sits beside him and grabs his shoulders.

He was only in his vest and was burning with fever.

Rosé look at him and her eyes went to his wrist they were oozing with blood. She put a hand on her mouth eyes watering with tears.

"Jimin! Wake up!"

"Hey, wakeup don't be like that."She gets up from her place and runs towards his kitchen. First, she decided to make him lemonade because he was all drunk and then grab a first aid box.

After dressing his wounds she takes a little amount of water and throws at his face.

"Jimin wake up!" She shakes his shoulders.

On hearing her voice his senses jolted up. He slowly opened his eyes and look at her.


"Yes, it's me Jimin wakeup. You have a fever." He slowly nods his head and take her hands intertwining their finger.

"You will leave me if I wakeup so just let me enjoy this dream"He slowly spoke with hoarse voice.

Rosé looked at him with a sad expression "Jimin I will not leave you just please get up from this floor. Please!" She pleaded he slowly nods his head after a while.

Rosé takes his hands and face him. His head was spinning but still, he tried to walk.

He sits on his bed his head spinning here and there as soon they went near it."Wear this shirt you have a fever." Rosé gave him his shirt.

He groaned and throw it away. "I have a headache and it's killing me." Jimin went under his covers.

"Jimin! wakeup drink this lemonade you have consume way too much alcohol...So hurry up and drink this"But Jimin was long gone into his dream Land.

Rosé sighed and covered him properly with the duvet. She turned on the heater and came out.

It looks like she has to spend the night on his couch.

So she laid there and with the thoughts of Jimin she drifted off to Dreamland.


Jimin jolted up and look here and there but the sudden need of puking erupted in its abdomen. He went to his bathroom and throw up.

While he was cleaning his face. His eyes went towards his wrist which was covered by bandages.

Suddenly all the things from last night came crashing to his mind.

He runs towards his living room to find it cleaned and there was this aroma of breakfast that was surrounding it.

He smiled to himself. And went to his kitchen.

There standing his RUBIA with her hair in a bun, apron around her waist. Looking like his long lost dream. His eyes watered on that thought.

"Oh, Good Morning Jimin!" She turned around and look at him.

"Why are you crying?" She put the tray on the table and went to sit beside him.

"Hey hey!! I am here...Don't cry!" Jimin sniffled and look at her. Her angelic face was laced with worried.

He wipes his tears. Rosé softly gestured towards breakfast and he nodes his head.

They eat breakfast in silence.

They were now sitting on his couch.

"Why did you do that?"Rosé spoke after a while.

"What?" Jimin question back.

"This" She pointed towards his wrist.

"Oh, it's nothing." He spoke with carelessness.

"If it's nothing then, believe me, I will leave you like it's nothing."

"You are joking right??"Jimin laughed but his tears start to fall.

"Please don't be like that *he grabs her hands* look I am in love with you RUBIA you have helped me through all this time you know what happens to me? You know I was molested in my childhood and still you love me so please just accept my feelings...I can't imagine my life without you...You are tho only woman who had looked at me with love and not with lust you have looked behind my broken smile, my bad reputation you didn't leave me in the middle...So please just take me" With that Jimin broke down.

"Is that all??" She spoke with a sarcastic tone. Jimin looks at her with disbelief.

"Seriously!! I was expecting some flowers and rings but you just ruin my fantasy." With that, she stands up and grabs her bag.

She was near the door when stopped and turned around.

"I'll be waiting for a proper proposal so do that for me and I will accept you...understand and I will wait for it tonight so hurry up!" With that, she walked out.

Jimin was speechless for a while but his face broke into a smile.

Well get ready RUBIA!!


HIS RUBIA (JIROSÉ AU)Where stories live. Discover now