Chapter 1

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"GRACE! GET YOUR LAZY BUTT DOWN HERE!" Yelled my mother. Great, another day of school. At least it was better than here. School was almost like my little getaway from this prison. I was always locked up in my bedroom, not talking to anyone. Either listening to music or any other way I can drown out everything else going on. My mom was always either having a new boyfriend over or flirting with some random guy at work, usually drunk. I could deal with her if she was sober but once she had a few drinks, she would scare me. My mom would beat me for not coming home on time or just because she doesn't like my outfit for the day. Then, as routine, I would go to my room, use the same pair of scissors, and cut myself. At least at school, it was only the "in-crowd" who judged me. I had one friend, her name was Jessica, but I called her Jessie. She was always there for me but I never got to have her over because of my mom.

"Coming!" I yelled back.

"Was that sass I heard?! You better not be sassing me Grace Rachel Jones! You're lucky I let you have your own room and not the basement!" She yelled back. Of course, I was blamed again.

I quickly got dressed in white skinny jeans with a simple flower blouse and brown sandals to match. My earrings were dangly with white gems on them. The only reason I actually had clothes was because Jessica's mom owned a teen fashion store so she gave me a ton of discounts.

"Bye." I said as I left the house.

"Don't use that tone with me!" She screamed.

"Sorry, your majesty." I slightly bowed and headed out the door. I was probably going to get yelled at for that gesture but I didn't care. She would get drunk enough throughout the day and forget about it.

"There you are!" Jessica exclaimed as she saw me walk through the doors.

"Hey." I said.

"Let me see your arms." Jessica said. She could see right through me. Jessie could clearly see that my mom and I got into another fight and I cut myself again.

"No." I said flatly.

"Well, at least she didn't beat you again."

"You didn't tell your mom right?!" I asked. We've been friends since Kindergarten and she's never told her mom about my mom. I told her not to just because I didn't want her mom to get all freaked out and then see my arms so she would make me see a therapist and so on. Her mom is pretty much against everything that has to do with cutting or self harm so she would go a little crazy seeing me. Honestly though, I've always wanted to see what her mom's reaction would be because maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Except, that wasn't certain.

"No, I made a promise and I stick to that." She said proudly.

"Good!" I said and we walked to first hour together.

"Oh. My. Gosh. Tony totally likes Clarissa. They need to get together." Jessie was always about the gossip. She pretty much knew everything that was going on at anytime of the year. Unlike me, she was open to people while I was more of a pushing-people-away person. The only reason I've ever opened up to Jessie is she seemed to understand me better than anyone else.

"That's great." I said, not really caring.

"Oh come on Gracie! Lighten up! You're with me now. You know you're dad was always.." then she trailed off. My dad died in the war last year. Whenever he was home, it was the only reason my mom was happy. The only reason I had to live. Him and Jessie of course. He left and told me to never forget him. That he will always be in my heart no matter what. It was almost as if he knew he was going to die. It took me at least 3 months to get over it but I still choke up now and then.

"I know. He was always outgoing. That's what made him so great at his job. He knew how to plan and organize things with other people. One trait I never had." I said, looking down.

"Aw Grace I'm sorry. Hey! I have an idea that will cheer you up." She smiled.


"We can go out to lunch tomorrow!" She said. That always cheered us both up for some reason. Getting away, doing out own thing, it was the one taste of freedom I really had.

"With what money?" I asked her.

"Duh, mine! I don't mind paying for you!"

"Thanks Jess, but I can't make you do that. Besides, I don't get paid until next week. We can go then." I told her. I worked at the grocery store down the street. Jessie's dad owned it which helped me get the job.

"Oh well. I guess I'll pay for two lunches! Then, next week when you get paid, we can go again! It all works out." She said.

"Fine." I said with a slight smile. She's always been good at getting me to do things with her.

"Lovely!" She said

I got home to find that I was home alone. 'Thank you' I said to the ceiling. It was always nice when no one was there to yell at you.

I went straight up to my room and plugged in my iPod. The only reason I had cool things was because Jessie's parents made a huge deal out of my birthday.

I had a lot of things to thank them for which is why half of the money I made at the grocery store went to them. They would, of course, try to resist it but I always found a way to make them take it.

"Gracieeeeeeee!" Yelled my mom. Drunk as ever. Of course.

After I didn't respond I heard her lie down on the couch and pass out.

I called up Jess so I had something to do.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey Jess."

"Hey, how's my favorite superstar?" I swear, Jess could be my pretend mom.

"Haha, I'm ok. Mom passed out on the couch so I'm fight-free tonight."

"Hey that's great! Mom's making supper, you want to come over?"

"Sure!" I hung up the phone and snuck out my bedroom window. I lived in an apartment but I was on the first floor so sneaking out the window wasn't very difficult.

"Hey there biscuit!" I said to the neighbor's dog. He was always outside and happy-go-lucky. If there was a 'happy dog' award, he would win.

When I got home from Jess's house, mom was still asleep. I decided to head straight to bed since I wasn't going to do anything productive anyway.

Before I fell asleep, I took the picture of my dad out of my top drawer in my dresser.

"Good night dad. I love you." I said and kissed his picture. A single tear rolled down my eye while putting the picture back in its original spot.


Hey guys! So this is my first real teen fiction and I'm really starting to like it so far!(: Please let me know what you think! Feel free to comment and vote! I will be updating this as much as I can, promise! Thank you so much for reading :) (By the way: the picture of Grace's outfit is on the side)

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