Yam's Letter

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Dear Pie,

I don't know how to start this but I think I should say my apologize to you for the first thing. Pie, what has happened previously was a misunderstanding. It is indeed true, Kim and I were once a lover but it was our past. I admit that my return here was to win Kim's heart back but I came too late. Kim already has you. It was really hard for me to accept it first. How does it feel when the one you love is in love with someone else? It's a living hell. Because of that, I even had an intention to kill you. Pie, please forgive me. I have always wanted to tell you this but I have no gut to do so. I was the one who poisoned the apples at the park. Yes, I am the witch and I am really bad. The karma has already found its way to get me back. I hurt people and I got my punishment. My illness, it's torturing me and the fact is I'm dying. My cancerous cells had spread dangerously and the worst part was I also had an infection in my liver. I know, no girl like another girl flirt with her lover and what's more if her lover care for other girl but trust me Pie, it has nothing to do with Kim cheats on you. She  just commiserated with my condition. There's no such things that you thought  she still love me. Maybe yes, she loves me as a good friend but not a lover. Kim loves you. She loves you more than she had ever love me and I envy you for that. Cherish and treasure it Pie. Please forgive her and forgive me too. Don't blame Kim for her action.  Put the blame on me because I was the one who was so wrong of longing her love and care in my deathbed.  By the time you read this letter, I might not be on this world anymore. Let me rest in peace, Pie. Please forgive me for all my wrong doings and thank you so much for accepting me to be your friend. I'd always appreciate your kindness towards me. Before I end this letter I beg to you Pie, please come back to Kim. She needs your love to survive as a normal person.


                                                                                                          Yours sincerely,


It has been a week since Yam left this world and within that period, Pie doesn't know how many time she has reread the letter from Yam. She is clueless. There's something bothering her mind. The last line of Yam's letter, begging her to come back to Kim. What does she mean by Kim needs her love to survive as a normal person? Pie can sense there's something wrong with it and today, she will make a move to find out the answer for her curiosity.

            "Why must I do this?" Pie asks to herself as she walks down the street of her neighbourhood area. If you remember, she needs to walk out a little bit from that area to get any public transport. Pie decided to go to Kim's apartment.

            "I need to find an answer for this." Pie quickens her pace as she sees a taxi is heading to her way. She spreads her arm as if she is trying to stop the taxi.

            "Where are you going miss?" The taxi driver asks to Pie as Pie hops into the passenger's seat.

            "Here." Pie hands a little piece of paper to the taxi driver. It has Kim's apartment's address written on it.

            "Miss we are here." The taxi driver's voice breaks Pie's reverie. Seems like Pie really spacing out along the way to Kim's place.

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