Tricky Pie

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"That's what I'm always trying to say to you, Kimhan." Tavee said. She knew both Kim and Pie didn't notice her presence there. She could tell that by their face expression. They seems surprised mix with some terrible shocked.

            "Dr.Tavee.." Pie's voice shook as she spoke.

            "Pie, you know this lady?" Kim tightens her grabs on Pie's hands as if she don't want to let it go.

            "Yes." Pie nods but her gaze never leave Dr.Tavee.

            "Pie, she kidnapped me and hide me here. Don't trust her." Kim seems panic. Pie  hugs  that tom to calm her down.

            "But Kim..Dr.Tavee is not a bad person." Pie assures that to Kim. Tavee steps into the room and walks to their side.

            "You can file anything to me Kimhan. Even if you want to drag me to the court, I wouldn't mind." Tavee says calmly.

            "Dr.Tavee, why don't you tell me that Kim is here?" Pie also needs an explanation for it. She is so puzzled with the current situation. Tavee didn't answer her. Instead, she threw her gaze anywhere but not to Pie.

            "I'll tell you everything." She sighed and hung her head low.


It was about 10.00 p.m or any hour around that when I was driving home after I finished my duty for the day. The rain poured incessantly with no sign that it will stop within one or more hour. Not risking to involve in any accident during this bad whether, I had to slow down my vehicle. Other road users did the same too but  that day  was quite strange as not many vehicles on the road. As I drove passed an abandon dumping site, my eyes caught two suspicious figure unloaded something from their car's trunk. Well, they might wanted to throw the wastage or rubbish there but I wonder why must they do it that time, in a heavy rain. It was so ridiculous. I rarely mind people's business but that day my instinct told me to stop and observe their activities.

I parked my car to the left side of the road and I switched on the emergency lamp. The two men were too engrossed with their business. They wouldn't notice me. Furthermore, the heavy downpour limited our vision but still I can see them clearly from my car. In one or two minutes I saw one of the men took out a nearly human size black plastic bag from the car's trunk while the other man seemed directing  him to do something that I didn't know. They went into the dumping site with it and came out with nothing in their hands. Everything happened too fast when I realized they left the site in a nick of time.

I told myself that there's nothing wrong with it but my curiosity won. I stepped out from my car with my umbrella and ran to to the dumping site. It took some times for me to find the thing that they thrown earlier and I'm so lucky when I found it not that far from my standing place. I braved myself to take a look on it. With a bit fear in me, I closed my eyes and ripped the plastic bag. It came to my surprise when suddenly my hands touched a cold skin. I know it's a human skin. When I opened my eyes to peek for that thing I fell down on the muddy ground. Utterly shocked because it was really a human. Silly me. I'm a doctor but I didn't dare to look to the person's face. I'm a bit scared. Once again I brave myself to check for the pulse and thank God the person is still alive.

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