Can of Worms

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(F/N P.O.V.)

While eating, Wu asked me about my parents and why I was with Llyod. I had seen the concern in his eyes, serious yet comforting. I told him about everything. From getting kicked out of the house to Llyod. I left out the part of being dragged around by the wind to find the bounty. Finishing both my story and the meal he gave me, Llyods' uncle welcomed me to their ninja head quarters.

"All of us have light and dark inside of us," Wu stated," The choice is ours on which side we are on."

He escorted me back to the room I slept in which was near Llyod's room. Telling me that this will be my room from now on. The bedroom was like my old one, bare and dull. A light blue bed was in the far right corner, intersecting the two walls. One of the walls was the outer part of the ship. Their was a circular window. The moon lit up the floor, creeping it's way up on the ash dresser. On top of the dresser was two sets of clothes.

One was the outfit that I had worn when I was dragged into the ocean. Even so, it was dry and cleaned. The other one was new though,it had a note on it as well. F/N I washed your clothes that were drenched and bought you a pair a pajama's. Also, we got you some necessities. They are in the bathroom. ~Nya

Looking at the PJ's, it was an ash grey tank top with a crescent moon in the middle and two stars on the right. The pants were a sky blue with tiny silver stars all around it. It touched my heart. Even though I had been with Llyod and did some evil deeds, they had given me things that my own mother hadn't given me. Putting them on, I crawled into bed and looked at the moon. Closing my eyes shut.

Opening my eyes once more, I had found that it was dawn. The sun nearly had risen. I was wide awake, probably from sleeping all day. I decided it was time for me to shower. The stink from ocean water became unbearable. Once done, I put on my regular clothes and walked around.

Spotting Llyod, I ran up him and jumped onto him.

"Good Morning Llyod," I said.

"Woah F/N," he replied, " Morning (F/N)."

He then began to tell me he had borrowed his Uncle Training book just to look at it.I wondered what was inside the book. What kind of teaching was in such a book. I asked if I could borrow it and then give it back to him later. He agreed and gladly gave me the book. I headed into my room. I began to scroll through it.

(Llyod P.O.V.)

Heh that was fun. When I woke up this morning I went to go find my Uncle. Going into his room, all I found was his Lesson book. I scrolled through it and didn't seem like anything interesting in it.

"Llyod?" My Uncle said near the door.

Panicking I took the book and shoved it into to my pocket. Wondering why I was in here, I told him I wanted to know where (F/N) was. Before leaving he asked in I had seen his book. OF course I had told him no and left. Near my room, (F/N) hugged me from behind. It startled me for a sec and then I showed her the lessons writing. She wanted to check it out herself and I gladly gave it to her.

Afterward, Uncle had come back to me and told me his lesson for today was rumors and need my help. I gladly agreed. Oh what fun.

(F/N P.O.V.)

After looking at Sensei's Lesson Log, I decided I would give it back to Llyod to return it to Wu. I couldn't find anyone. That is until, I heard shouting inside a room. Once I opened the door I had found the Ninja's glaring at Llyod and Wu protecting him. I soon realized that Zane had a Pink Gi in his hand. I was so confused. Even so I walked up to Sensei.

"Um Sensei Wu," I tugged his shirt," here is you lesson book I borrowed from Llyod."

Sensei looked shock and Llyod got annoyed. Saying that I spoiled his fun. I guess he took it without permission and that how the lesson of spreading rumors were today.

Then everyone was called up to the bridge by Nya.

"It one thing having the son of our nemises plus his friend live here," Kai began," but having my sister here? C'mon I thought this was a ninja head quarters!"

Nya heard everything Kai just said and shrugged it off. That is when all of us headed into the bridge. They were talking about how to find the rest of the snake tombs. The only way to know for certain was on the map. The map which Pythor had stolen from Llyod. Nya the threw darts on a map. Each dart had the location of the tomb Llyod had opened. With a flash light of a snake we figure out the rest of the tomb.

It was decided that both Cole and Zane take the constructai tomb, Kai and Jay would take the Venomari. As for my friend and I, Wu told Nya to look after us. Especially Llyod. It wasn't long til I had found myself bored out of my mind. All I did was play the ninjas' video games, maybe one day I will get my own game to play on. I wanted to see if Nya needed any help with anything.

Searching for the Bobbed hair girl. I went to her room and knocked on her door. No response. Then I heard a loud THUMP! I latched my hand onto her knob and swung the door open. I looked  into Nya's room there I saw a machine like suit. It was red and black and looked as though it had a samurai helmet and armor. Not mention there was a mysterious person. It was as if they had were a cyborg samurai. As they screamed out some unpleasant words. They lifted their mask up and I saw Nya face.

"N-Nya??" I looked at her surprised face.

"(F-F/N) I," she stuttered," I can explain."

Once the truth came out, her wanting to help out the Ninja but never having the chance. That's when the idea came. It was then she made her samurai gadget, and her armor suit. Along with the voice changer. I thought it was amazing how just, herself made all of this. After hearing that story, I decided that it was best to keep her secret. That is when there was a distress call from her suit. The Ninja were in trouble, Nya had put in sensors in the suits just in case.

Before Samurai had left the room, she told me to help get the ship to the Toxic Boggs. Doing what I was told I went into the headquarters and found the system. Next thing, Sensei Wu came out and I told him about the Ninja being in trouble. That is when we headed to the Venomari Tomb.

As we made our way there, I thought it would be best to start cooking for dinner. I had always cooked for myself at home. So I thought it would be no biggie. When we got over to the Toxic Boggs, Nya had come into the Kitchen. I didn't question her as she began to help me cook some dinner. 

Once dinner was ready, the Ninja were all talking about the Samurai. I acted shocked of this. Looking over to the other girl in the bounty, I heard that the samurai sprayed them with some sort of thing to make the ninja pass out. That's when Kai talked weird about how high the samurai was and something about Wu's beard dancing? It was stating to get annoying. 

The alert system activated, saying that Snakes were gathering in Ninjago. When the Ninja left I walked over to Nya who had a smirk on her face.

"So how was your trip?," I asked.

"Fun. For to see Kai react about the snakes turning into elves and ginger people," She laughed.

After a few minutes, I decided since we weren't gonna eat 'til the ninja comes back, I would make a cake. Llyod watched as I beat the butter and sugar until combined. Following with whisking the dry ingredients together. then mixed them together with milk. After putting the batter into the pans. I made the whip cream, to cover the cake and cut some strawberries for decoration. After I finished decorating the cake, the Ninja had come back and Lloyd was told to wash Zanes Gi.

We all then began to eat, Llyod had joined us. He'd come eat then check the Laundry. Once dinner was over, I brought over my cake that was waiting to be eaten. Cole was practically drooling in his mouth. As I lowered my creation on top of the table. Llyod came in with the white Gi.

"It took 20 loads, but it is no longer pink," Llyod had said, " And to show that I'm sorry Cole, I got you a can of nuts."

Cole disregarded the can and told that it was just a prank can where toy snakes would jump out. That is when he decided to go and open the fridge. POP. Out came toy snakes from the opened fridge and landed on top of Cole. We all laughed about it, I walked up to my friend and high-fived him. It was time to clean up and I washed the dishes and Llyod dried and put them away. 

As it was time to go to bed, I went to my room and Jumped onto my bed face first. I then Drifted into sleep.

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