Chapter - 2

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     Once they were in his room, Gulf examined around the room. Mew's room was all white, the furniture, the bed sheets, the curtains. It almost gave a hospital feel if not for the LBC posters and pictures plastered on the wall and some musical instruments laid out neatly at one corner of the room.

     He sat on Mew's bed after the older guy told him to while he grabbed a wooden chair and sat in front of him. "What do you want to talk about?” Mew folded his arms on his chest; he looked really pissed.

     ”Fist of all, I want to apologize if this marriage troubles you," Gulf bowed as he apologized, “I know you really want to terminate the marriage. But can you give it a chance to know me first?"

     Mew scoffed, ”I think I've said it clearly, N'Gulf. I can't get married this soon. Even if I get to know you, or even if I fall in love with you, which I think it will hardly happen.”

     "Yes I understand that you place your career above everything else, but I think as time goes by, you will change your mind and eventually want to marry me." Gulf said calmly.

     "Wait,” Mew held his hand on the air, "Do you agree with this arranged marriage?"

     Gulf nodded. "Yes, I agree."

     "What?! Aren’t you angry that you don't have freedom to choose your life partner by yourself? Are you even ok with marrying a guy?"

     ”No, I'm not angry or sad. I believe everything that my parents choose for me is the best for me," Gulf stated, "And I don't mind marrying a guy. I don't label myself and also I believe that you will be a perfect husband to me."

     "So you will accept and do everything what your parents tell you?" Mew asked in disbelief and the other nodded as the answer.

     Mew didn't say anything else. He just stared at the expressionless guy in front of him. Gulf didn't show any emotion at all. He was so calm when he talked, and polite too. It seemed like there was nothing wrong with the guy's personality but Mew just didn't like him. He thought the younger was too emotionless or too stupid for agreeing to this marriage.

     “Should I introduce myself again? Maybe we should start to get to know each other now,” Gulf said to avoid the awkward silence.

     Mew looked at Gulf with his eyebrows furrowed. Once again, he thought something inside of the younger guy was wrong. He rolled his eyes and looked away. "Whatever," he mumbled.

     "Okay,then. My name is Gulf Kanawut. I was born on 4 December 1997, so I am 22 years old now.." Mew flinched as he mentioned his birthday date. It was the same date as LBC performed their first gig as a band. He wanted to say out loud it but then he decided to keep it by himself.

     "My parents sent me to New York  to learn about Business administration, I've joined a special program for building my leadership skills, and i've spent the entire time of my life for learning to be a perfect Business man. I think I'm really capable to be your husband, P'Mew."

     Mew didn't blink his eyes as he listened to his long and firm introduction. There was a moment of silence when he had to get all the info into his brain before he escaped laughter from his mouth. "Perfect husband, huh?" He said between his laugh; tinted with mocking tone.

     "What are you laughing at?" even though Gulf didn't show any emotion on his face, he sounded furious by his tone. He thought the older guy was rude for mocking him.

     Mew shook his head while trying to stop his laughter. Two thing that described the younger in Mew's opinion. Either he's a nerd or a work freak. He swore if it wasn't because the younger's  polite and gentle nature, he would think this guy was insane. "Is that why you agreed to this marriage? So that you can get married to me and take over my father's business?" He asked back after he stopped giggling.

     "What do you mean by that?” Gulf looked offended by his words.

     "You said you spent your entire life to learn about being a perfect Business man. So, isn't it your life achievement then? Being my father's successor after all his company is No.1 in Thailand?"

     "Well, I have so many goals other than being your father's successor. Business is only one of my biggest goals, P'Mew."

     Mew scoffed, "What are the others, if I may ask?"

     "One out of three is of course, to be a successful man,” Gulf answered proudly, "Secondly, Getting married to a perfect person, and the most important one.. I can't say it now." Gulf's eyes went solemn when saying the last sentence. That was the first time Mew ever saw such an emotion reflected on his face. Even though he couldn’t figure what made the younger suddenly feel sad.

     After a moment of silence that felt like forever, Gulf looked up at Mew and broke the silence. “So, that’s me. What about you, P'Mew?"

     "Well.. I’m..." He thought for a while and gulped the imaginary lump inside his throat. Even with the years of experiment as an artist, he didn’t know what to answer when being asked like that. ”What should I tell you? You can search about me on the internet, that would be easier..”

     Gulf chuckled and nodded in agreement, "I believe the internet provides many info about LBC's drummer/Leader Tharn,” Mew wasn’t surprised that the younger knew about LBC, but he didn't expect him to know. Since all the things the younger was doing were only related to business and marriage; he thought Gulf was an uptight person. "But how about Mew Suppasit? I want to know about Mew Suppasit, not Tharn.."

     Mew was taken back with the younger's question. 'How about Mew Suppasit?' It's been a while since the last time he got such a question like that. Not to the super star Tharn, but to the ordinary man Mew Suppasit.

     "P'Mew?" Gulf touched the back of his hand and startled him with the sudden touch. On reflex, he jerked the younger's hand away. "I-I'm sorry.. You didn’t answer me, so..”

     Mew gritted his teeth, somehow he seemed angry. "I’m sorry N'Gulf. This is not going to work," he got up on his seat and was about to leave the room. When Gulf called out his name, he turned around with a furious look on his face. "You can try as hard as you want, but I won’t ever marry you and that's final." With that he walked out the room; slamming the door quite hard and left Gulf alone who felt like his heart was stabbed with a knife.



     Happy one year of togetherness through thick and thin. Thank you for making us happy with your hard work.


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