Chapter - 5

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     Mew was exhausted. He just finished 6 hours of rehearsal from this dawn and he barely got enough sleep last night. The moment he reached the 12th floor condo, he dragged his feet to the first couch he could see and then collapsed on it.

     “Are you going to lunch with us, P'Mew?” Tae asked with his mouth full and he was holding a bowl of salad. “Song's trying to cook Korean food.”

     Mew shook his head and sighed. He was too tired to eat. “You guys eat first; I’ll nap for a while and then eat”

     “Okay.” Tae said as he left him to the dining room, joining the others.

     Mew got up from the couch and walked to his room. He slammed the door and threw his body to the bed, without bothering to get change first. He closed his eyes, trying to get some sleep. When he was about to drift to the dreamland, his phone suddenly rang.

     He ignored it at first, thinking that it wasn’t his phone’s ringtone. Then he remembered, he broke his old phone by throwing it to pieces and he just got the new one a few days ago. He groaned as he took the phone.

     “What is it?!” He shouted, to whoever it was on the phone.

     “Mew Suppasit Jongcheveevat, is that any way to greet your mother?!” Mew cringed as the caller shouted back at him. It was his mother, of course. He should’ve just read the caller id first.

     “Oh, hi Mom.” He greeted and then apologized, “I thought you were my friend, I’m sorry.”

     His mom grumbled something that he didn’t bother to listen, because he distanced the phone from his ear. When he thought his mom had stopped, he listened to her again. “...I’ve told you yesterday that you have to see Gulf today. Where are you?”

     Mew rubbed his temple, he suddenly felt headache. Nong Gulf?”

     “Yeah! Who else!! you promised you’ll take Gulf for lunch today. You said it last night.”

     He recalled the conversation between him and his mother last night, and he did promised his mother to take Gulf for lunch today but that was only because his mother was so insisting and he was in hurry last night.

     “Right, about that... I’m sorry, Mom. I don’t think I can go anywhere today.” He told his mom cautiously.

     “What do you mean?”

     Mew sighed when he heard his Mother’s voice just raising a pitch. “I’m sorry; I didn’t check my schedule when I agreed to take Gulf out for lunch. I had lot of works, Mom. I just got home before you called me.”

     “But you’re free now, right? I’ve asked your manager. He said you’re free until tomorrow.”

     “Mom, I just had a 6 hours rehearsal from 5 am this morning, and I only got to sleep for 2 hours last night.” Mew reasoned. “I’m exhausted. I want to sleep, rain check, okay? I’m tired. ”

     “You promised! Besides, it's only 11 am now, and Gulf doesn’t have his break until 2 pm. You can nap for an hour and then pick him at his work!”

     Mew tried his best to hold himself from throwing his new phone. He was pissed. Exhausted. Both physically and mentally. But he knew it well that his mother wouldn’t listen to him. She would keep pushing him until he did her order. And he had no enough energy to fight with his mother.

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