Chapter - 6

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     Ever since the last time he and the rest LBC members visited New York, Mew had a thing with having pancakes or waffles for breakfast. The idea of having breakfast American style was growing on him. Even when they came back to Thailand, he sometimes would take the members to have pancake breakfast with him whenever they had free time.

     It was 9 o’clock in Saturday morning, Mew didn’t have any schedule until the afternoon and so did Lhong, Song and Tae. So he decided to take them to his favorite diner that day.

     “P'Mew, I could just make pancakes for you, you know. We don’t have to go out just for pancakes.” Song complained. He was the home-cook type of guy and he didn’t get why they had to wake up early just to have breakfast outside when he could possibly cook anything.

     “You even made us wake up early.” Tae grumbled. His face furrowed and he still had his bed hair on. He wasn’t really a morning person, and Mew had to force him to wake up, so he wasn’t in his best mood.

     “You’re paying, right? At least you’re paying for us.” Lhong added. He also objected the idea of having breakfast outside. Last night Tum lend him some good movie DVDs and he ended up watching them until 3am. He didn’t expect Mew would bang on his door the next early morning.

     Mew chuckled; watching the three of them slouched on the couch, scowling at him. “Come on guys. You won’t regret this. N'Tae, you said you want to try eggs benedicts, right? N'Song, you also said that you want to learn how to make hollandaise sauce. And Ai'Lhong, yes, I’m gonna pay for you all.”

     The three of them groaned. Their leader knew them really well. Reluctantly, they got of from the couch and dragged their feet, following their leader out from their shared condo.

     “We’re taking the car?” Tae asked When Mew led them to the basement parking garage. “Is it far?”

     “No, it’s close to here, but I invited N'Gulf as well. So we need to pick him up.” Mew answered.

     The three of them looked at each other and then grinned. Somehow they didn’t feel sleepy anymore. A plan was made through a silence conversation between them and Mew was oblivious about that.


     “These are Lhong, Song and Tae. Unfortunately Tum couldn't join us, since he have a date with Tar. Guys, this is Gulf.” Mew introduced them while driving the car. The three guys were seated at the back meanwhile Gulf was insisted to occupy the seat next to the driver seat by all of them and Mew was the one who drove.

     Gulg turned around and waiied, bowing his head a little. “Sawat dee krub~”

     “Sawat dee krub~” The three of them chorused together, with a mischievous grin plastered on each face. Mew watched them from the rear-view mirror, rolling his eyes at them. He could sense that they were unusually excited. It didn’t surprise him, though. He’d expect them to act mischievous in front of Gulf.

     Though he kept reminding them to behave, they still tried to tease Mew and Gulf every chance they got. Song pointed that he never saw his P'Mew that excited to have a breakfast. It turned out that he invited Gulf, so that was the reason why he was so excited in the morning. Lhong said that Mew talked a lot about him. Mew had a several embarrassments from them but the worst was when Tae suddenly asked whether they’d kissed or not.

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