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Biliyor musun benim ilkokul hocam benim hep yazar olacağıma ve arkadaşımın da iyi bir ressam olacağına inanırdı.
Ben birinci sınıfta hocam büyüyünce ne olacağımızı sormuştu ve ben ambulans şoförü demiştim.Neden mi, sesinden ve yolda giderken herkesin bize yol açmasını seviyordum.


My intention was to fly, everyone was waiting for the teacher in the class, and where it was my turn, everyone was talking and gathered. Suddenly I hit my head on the iron in the queue. Places were in blood. I immediately ran to my teacher. Nobody had helped. They were dressing right away and I was waiting for my family to come and take me ... "I was crying if I weren't flying when I was driving in the car."


كنت أنوي الطيران ، وكان الجميع في انتظار المعلم في الفصل ، وحيث جاء دوري ، كان الجميع يتحدثون ويتجمعون. فجأة ضربت رأسي على الحديد في الطابور. كانت الأماكن في الدم. ركضت على الفور إلى أستاذي. لا أحد ساعد. كانوا يرتدون ملابس على الفور وكنت أنتظر أن تأتي عائلتي وتأخذني ... "كنت أبكي إذا لم أكن أطير بينما كنت أقود السيارة."

Olsa Ne Olurdu 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin