00 | ROCK

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FLUID BRUSH STROKES brightened the plain white wall of the empty flower shop. jimin's gaze followed the movements he made, not a single stroke going out of his intended place.

the rock song blaring in his ears was an interesting contrast to his careful, precise brush strokes. he hummed along to the melody of one of his favourite songs from a band that could comfortably stand in the top five of the most iconic rock bands of all time as he painted in a cluster of sweet alyssum. "whole lotta love." he murmured with a nod of his head.

outside, the cold winter was slowly bleeding into the bright lively airiness of spring. seasons were changing, flowers were beginning to blossom, everything that had died was finding new life, and people were moving on, but jimin's heart wasn't.

he found himself thinking of winter a lot. of the way her rare lopsided smile revealed her singular dimple. of her fingers running through flour stained hair. of her eyes of sky and sun. of the way her entire face lit up when she talked about her family or baking. of the times they spent together. of how she opened herself up to him only to shut him out without an explanation.

sometimes, he wished she didn't pervade his mind so much. but he knew forgetting about her wasn't something he could just do. falling in and out of love with ease was a notion he was unfamiliar with. even more so, because winter was not someone he could just push out of his heart. and the mural sized painting of her sitting in his studio, burning into every side of him as he worked did nothing to help.

accidentally smearing paint on his cheek when he stepped back, jimin scrutinised his progress. the range of flowers in the garden he was painting was easing into those that thrived in the winter and he shut his eyes as her face appeared in his mind. shaking his head, he picked up a palette mixed for the winter scene, ready to paint in some snapdragons in the fluttering snow.

if it weren't for the fact that the music was fading out, jimin would not have heard the sound of soft but quickly approaching footsteps. he stopped before he stepped onto a rung of the stepladder before him, twisting around to see who it was.

soft brown eyes went wide when his gaze fell on someone he least expected. winter. jimin dropped the palette he was holding carelessly. walking to where she stood awkwardly, he pulled his earbuds out, not caring if he got paint on them as he shoved them into the pocket of his smock.

"hi, jimin." she graced him with one of her once in a blue moon smiles. her fingers threaded through her braids, pushing them back when he only stared at her. "you're probably wondering why i showed up here after avoiding you for so long."

instead of responding, jimin pulled her into his arms. he buried his nose in her hair, basking in the sweet bakery smell that always clung to her like a second skin. he didn't know why she was here but he was glad that she was. and he was going to hold her in his arms, even if it was only for a moment, because he'd missed her terribly.

he felt her arms slowly wrap around him, hesitantly hugging him back. he felt his entire body relax at her touch. it was like diving headfirst into cool water after burning in sweltering heat for far too long.

he didn't want to let go, but he finally let his hands fall away from her after what felt like hours. she let go of him with what seemed to be even more hesitation than when she first held him. "sorry, i probably got paint all over your clothes." he apologised, stepping back.

winter shook her head. "it's fine." she chuckled. "i have my apron on so there's little damage done." she gestured, calling his attention to her appearance.

she had dustings of flour on her chin and on the cuffs of her sweater. there were white and yellow stains on her apron obscured by the tiny splotches of paint he'd transferred to the fabric. "why do you have that on, anyway?" he asked, brows furrowing in confusion.

SONGS OF WINTER | pjmWhere stories live. Discover now