DM HarryXGinny

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Babe, when are you coming home?

Soon, babe. What's up? Do you need anything? Is the baby alright?

Hahah yes😘
The kicks are getting stronger :)

Of course they would be! It's the last month.

Yes Harry?

I'm so blessed to have you in my life 💕 I love you so much

Love you more, Potter ❤️

Let me know if you need anything else for the party

Will do
Harry, don't you think it's been too long since Mione and Drake broke up. I can clearly see in her eyes, she still loves him.

I see what you're trying to say darling but Draco could've at least listened to what Hermione said

Babe, if you were in his place, and some random wizard comes home and tells you that me and him are in love what would you do?

I don't know... ☹️
Should we do something for them?

Tomorrow they're coming over. Don't you think we should plan something to at least make them think that they should get back. I really miss her smile. She's been heart broken so many times babe. She doesn't deserve this 😔😔

Sweetheart, don't stress over it. Take care of the baby, I'm almost home 💕


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