Dm AstoriaXTheo

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Hey Theo! 😄


Nothing much😕
Was just bored



At Anika's rn

You and Anika hangout a lot i see😒

Ye she's my best friend🥴

Are you hers?😏

Get to the point Astoria

I feel like she likes you...😕

And so...?

Don't you like someone else?


You like me Theo, don't you?🥺

I really don't have time for your sympathetic talk Astoria lmfao

You've changed a lot you know :( You speak the muggle language and their slangs. You don't even hangout with your real friend anymore Theo.😕

Like I said
Don't got time

You've never posted a picture with me on your ig when we were together
And you post pictures with her and you guys are not even together😠🤦🏻‍♀️

Should I remind you how you treated me? You flirted with that Weasel in front of me. Not even him, you flirted with Draco in front of me
What do you expect? I ain't your fucking puppy!
Then you dump me and you date that stupid weasel like a pathetic bitch. You didn't even make us official cuz YOU WERE TOO EMBARRASSED TO FUCKING TELL EVERYONE!

Babe I still love you

Oh shut it Greengrass
You don't have the right to call me BABE anymore and I got over you a longgg time ago.

I'm so sorry Theo😭 Please come back 😭

When I was begging you to back to me, and asking for a shoulder to cry on
Anika helped me
I got depression cuz of you
And guess what... Anika helped me still.
Knowing I was crazy about you even when you dumped me, she still gave me the love you could never
And I never showed it back to her...
How can I be so stupid🤭


No Astoria, thank you!
Thank you so much!

What are you saying? I'm so sorry!

No no no
I have to tell her


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