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Today deku had gotten up bright and early not by choice his body maid him he throw up that morning waking bakugou up in the process of trying to run of bed even tho he sleeps on the inside of the bed

Deku had just walked back into the room after he had kinda just stepped on bakugou

"I'm so sorry kachan i didn't mean to step on you" deku apologized as he had seemed to just come back from war

"Why the hell do you look like that?"

"Look?.. Look like what?" deku said as he looked down at himself in the mirror they had on the back of the door

Bakugou walked closer to deku to get a better look at him

"Fuck! You smell like shit go take a damn shower deku!"

" r-right sorry!" deku went to their shared closet grabbing close not even being able to look at what he was grabbing because the tears in his eye's maid it all blurry

As soon as he had the clothes, he ran out the door and to the showers. Deku sat in the showers looking at his body and wondering if kachan was finally getting tired of seeing him or smelling the same sent

It look deku about 35 minutes till he had finally got out of the showers and went downstairs and seen that bakugou was there cooking so deku went over and sat on the counter as bakugou was putting the food on the plate

"I made you some food here" bakugou sat down the plate beside deku and went back to his food

"Thanks, kac-" deku was cut off by when he looked down at the food and imitely pucked

"Shit deku!"

Bakugou ran over to deku and made sure he was ok then he cleaned up the mess while he sent deku to the bed


Deku has been acting weird for the past few days puking at the sight of food but then having weird cravings

As i was cleaning up the mess in the kitchen and thinking about what could be wrong with deku i thought about how deku was showing signs that he may be pregnant

But how the fuck could deku be pregnant even tho I've used- shit when i was in runt i don't think we used a condom as soon as i got done cleaning i ran upstairs to mine and Deku's room and opened the door to see deku asleep on the bed

"Shit... fine you can sleep for now but when you wake up, we have to go to the nurse" I changed my clothes since i didn't want to smell like puck from deku

{Time skip about two hours later when deku is starting to wake up}

I was finishing up some homework when i heard some sounds from deku it was him waking u

I got up from the desk and walked by the bed "Hwy deku babe so i know you just got up, but we need to go somewhere"

"Where?" i could hear how deku was tired in his voice when he spoke

"don't worry about it I'll carry you there"

"Okie Kachan" deku said as he rested his head on my chest as i held him

I got deku one and my hoodies and took him to the nurses. I walked into the medical Corders

"Miss i need you to see if deku is pregnant or if he just has the has a stomach bug or something" i asked as i laid deku down on the examining table

"Ok that's fine but first you need to wake him up" she went over to her medical bag and was looking for it

I gently started moving deku a bit " deku you need to wake up were at the doctors"


" deku wake up she needs to make sure you're ok"

"W-why are we here?"

"She needs to check on you and make sure you're ok so let her do what she needs to do. Understand?"

"Yes, kachan i-i understand"

"Ok dear first i need you to go to that bathroom and pee into this cup and bring it back in here to me" the nurse said as she handed deku a cup

"O-ok thank you" deku got the cup and slowly got up off the examination table then went off to the bathroom

After about 4 minutes deku came out of the bathroom handing the nurse the sample

"Ok thank you now while i put this in the tester i want you to take your shirt off and get on the table"

She went over to the mechian thing and put the sample in the as deku now had his shirt off and was getting on the table. The nurse walked over to deku and started checking his stomach then his throat

It took her about a whole 15 minutes to check him out and make sure he was ok

"He doesn't seem to have anything wrong with him right now and the test results should be back in a few days so just wait till then but if anything, eleas is happing bring him here bye boys"

Deku sat up on the table and put his shirt on

"thanks " i said as deku got off the table and walked out with me

"Am i dying kachan?"

"God no! don't worry nerd, now let's go make some food and then we can go watch some movies?"

(this chaper is edited)

(  the word count is 903 good bye ❤❤❤ :o)

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