Chapter One

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Y/N'S P.O.V:

'Finally arrived...' You thought, now outside at the front door of the house you were gonna stay. 'I Wonder who my roomies are... they never told me who exactly.' You thought, as you had your bags, getting ready to knock on the door. "I wonder if they know..." you said aloud, knocking on the door.

You heard movement inside, as you heard a voice. "Oh! That must be the new roomie!" A cheery voice said. You started tapping your foot out of habit, as you bit the inside of your cheek. The door finally open to reveal a teen,  You believed, wearing a green hoodie, Brown hair, and a coca cola can-type Necklace. "Hello! Your the new roomie, right?" He questioned. You nodded your head, as you gave out your hand for him to shake, giving a smile. "Names Y/N. And yup! I'm the new roomie!" You said, as he took your hand and shook it.

"Well it's nice to meet you!"

He said, as he stopped shaking your hand, as he moved out of the door way so you could walk in. He turned around as he yelled.


After he said that, you were already on the couch, as your bags where right next to the couch. Your turned your head over to The stairway, as you heard a voice and some rustling. "THERE HERE!!" A cherry voice said, as a teen with a jacket and a purple hoodie walked in, He smiles at you. "Hello! I'm Matt! It's very nice to meet you!" He said with a large smile. You couldnt help but smile back, got up, walke over to him, and shook his hand. Which he gladly returned. "Nice to meet ya too! The names Y/N" you said.

You heard rustling on the stairs, as you looked. You saw a teen with a blue hoodie, dirty blond hair, and....No eyes? "What..? Is there something on my face?" Tom said, clearly annoyed. You felt your face heat up, as you were staring. "S-sorry." You said, looking away. "Names Y/N by the way." You said, as you walked and sat back down on the couch. "Tom.." He said, as he made it all they way downstairs, standing at the end of them.

You didnt say anything else, but after a few seconds of quiet awkwardness, you decided to break it. "Uhm, hey, Do you know where my room is?" You asked sheepishly, as you weren't really the type to act like that. Or at least you were like that
"Oh! Just follow me!" Edd said, as he led you upstairs...


You smiled as you fell face first into the Y/F/C (your favorite color) bed and bedsheets. 'God, this is Way better then the asylum.' You thought. Ever since you where small, around eight or so, you where thrown into an asylum. Yes, you did do some horrible things when you were young, but you completely regret them now. But, all that's for a diffrent chapter.

'Looks like they dont know WHY I'm here. And I plan on keeping it that way' You thought, as your eyes started to droop, as you yawn. 'But for now, I should get some rest...' You thoughts. You closed your eyes, letting sleep consume you slowly, not caring that you didnt change...

Alright! First chapter done! I hope you all liked it! Also, this book was in the making for a LONG time. But, here it is! I'm going to update it more, obviously, but for right now, Enjoy! Because later on, things are gonna get intense~!! Bye for now!!-❤

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