Dear reader;

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Hello, some of us in the world are suffering with depression. Arn't we? Some of us think of hurting ourself, killing ourselves... Hurting others, running away. Don't we? We feel like nobody cares. Like nobody will miss us if we are gone. None of that, is the option. I myself, have scars on my wrist... Stomach.. Ankle... Thighs, hell, even shoulder and waist. I won't lie for who I was. Who I still am. I'm a person suffering with depression. And trying to fight it. Before I get into more detail, first let me explain why reading this, won't be a waste of your time. I am creating this, to stop people from doing what... They don't deserve to do, and that's self harm. Nobody needs to do it. And nobody wants to. We feel like we have control in our lives when we do it. Like we deserve the pain. But we don't. And I want you to know that, none of us deserve this. The world is a very challenging place, no matter where you're from, or where you are. It will always be difficult because nobody ever said it was going to be easy! But nobody said it had to bring us down. Did they? No.

This is who I was -To anybody who self harms-Where stories live. Discover now