Chapter 3

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Ethan opens the door a few minutes later, and a smile spreads across his face when he sees me.


"Hey. You're just on time" Ethan says as he steps to the side, letting me into the pleasant breeze of the air conditioner. "So, Bailey and the boys are in the living room. There's food in the kitchen and bathrooms down the hall and the first left."

"Thank you" I reply

"Well, I'm off to tryouts, and I'll see you later." Ethan said as he walked out the door and closed it behind him.

I walk into the living room and see Bailey, Max and Adrien sitting in around a monopoly board. I walk into the living room and see Bailey, Max and Adrien sitting in around a monopoly board. Bailey was wearing a simple outfit, denim jeans and a white fitted shirt and her fiery red hair was tied up in a bun. I walk up to Bailey, and we hug before we both sit down around the monopoly board. They restart the game so that I can join in on the games.

"So, I heard you went home early today. How are you feeling Bailey?" I ask with sympathy lacing my voice.

"I still feel horrible. Not as bad as this morning which is good" She responds shrugging slightly, her brown eyes focused on the monopoly board.

"So, I heard you went home early today. How are you feeling Bailey?" I ask with sympathy lacing my voice.

"I still feel horrible. Not as bad as this morning which is good" She responds shrugging slightly.

"That's no good." I say

She nods, and we put our focus back onto the game. In the next hour, we laugh and 'get frustrated' while playing monopoly.

"Bai, I'm hungry" Max says

"Me too" Adrien agrees.

"Ok. Let's get some food then" Bailey says to us.

We tidy up the board game and make our way to the kitchen to get dinner. We look through the cupboards and fridge until we decide on making mac and cheese. Bailey sends the boys to go clean up and sets the table while Bailey and I cook the food.

Once it's ready, I serve it into four bowls and give two bowls to Bailey, while I take the other two. Bailey and I place a bowl in front of Max and Adrien before sitting down with our bowls of mac and cheese. We talk and laugh some more while we eat and finishing dinner, Bailey serves up some chocolate and vanilla ice cream for all of us. Before she gives out the ice cream, the boys and I put the bowls and forks into the dishwasher.

After dinner and dessert, Bailey took the boys to get ready for bed while I cleaned up in the kitchen and put the monopoly board back in their game cupboard. I sat down on the couch and Bailey came back a couple of minutes later.

"How was your first week at Huston High?" I asked her

"It was pretty good. I joined a couple of clubs and made some friends. I'll admit I had a little fun" She replied happily.

"That's good. I'm glad you enjoyed your first week at school." I chirped.

"I'm home" Ethan said as he opened the front door and dropped his bag on the floor next to the door.

"Hey Ethan" Bailey and I said in unison.

"Hey, girls. What have you been up to?" He questioned

"Not much." We responded

"Sounds fun" He blatantly says unimpressed.

We both laugh and shake our heads.

"Go take a shower. You stink" Bailey says, waving her hand up and down in front of her nose.

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