Chapter 1

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Over time, I've learnt that being in control isn't always easy. Usually, when you learn this, it's because you're trying to control the life you live and not a superpower, no one can know about. I've always known that there's been something different about me, something special. I don't remember much about my mum, but I remember that she would always tell me that I was destined to do great things. Of course, everyone is told this when they're growing up, but I have learnt to believe that what my mum told me is true. However, I was never ready to accept it because I thought it meant that I'd be different, and I didn't want that. That is until I learnt that I could do more, I could help with something that was bigger than me and everything in my life.

My name is Alexis Ally Morgan, and I'm from Houston, Texas. I'm sixteen years old, and this is the story of how my life changed for the better. I never imagined my summer ending the way it did. Why does the universe have to be so cruel? A week's all that's left of this horrible summer. Then I'll have to deal with sympathetic looks from students and teachers. It's hard enough being known as the girl who lost her mother and now I'll be known as the girl who lost her mother AND two of her best friends. Just great! The majority of my summer has been spent trying to find my two best friends, Sophie and Mason, and I'm no closer to it. Everyone has told me that it's pointless because they're gone, but I won't let myself believe that I'm not going to give up. No matter what, I will find them, hopefully.

The sun shines through the gap in my pastel blue curtains, waking me up from a dreamless sleep. Sitting up, I rub the sleep out of my eyes and look over at the picture on my bedside table. A small smile makes its way onto my face, and small tears escape from my blue-green eyes. Kicking my legs over the side of the bed, I pick up the photo of my mum holding two newborns, Sean and I, in a hospital bed. She looked tired and pale but happy, nonetheless. Her brown hair was tied up in a ponytail so that it was out of her blue eyes and face.

"I miss you, mum. I wish you were here" I whisper.

As I put the photo back onto my bedside table, I wipe my tears away and make my way to the bathroom, which was, thankfully, free. I not only have a twin brother, but I also have an older brother, Liam, and he's 19 years old. So that leaves me in a house full of guys and no mother figure to help 'guide my way' as my dad has put it. Chuckling to myself, I brush my hair into a ponytail and wash my face before heading back to my room, where I get changed into a pair of black tights and a green sports shirt, as well as putting on white bonds socks. I grab my phone and earphones and following the smell of my dad's famous pancakes; I head down to the kitchen. As suspected my dad's standing at the stove with his pancake mix and pan, while Liam and Sean devour the stack that's sitting on their plates.

"How are you guys not fat?" I laugh "Or at least the tiniest bit chubby?"

"Morning to you too sis" Liam sarcastically states as he puts another forkful of pancakes into his mouth, his green eyes looking up slightly as I walk in.

"Yeah, love you sis" Sean adds.

I walk over to dad who's chuckling to himself as I roll my eyes and ruffle both my brother's hair as I walk past them.

"What are you laughing at dad? You're just as bad as them!" I say patting his stomach and laughing at his gaping reaction. His green eyes, and mouth, wide open with shock.

"Kidding" I reach up and kiss his cheek before smiling and grabbing a plate of pancakes for myself as well as a glass of mixed fruit juice.

Once I sit down at the table across from Sean, I immediately look at my phone for anything that could perhaps tell me where Sophie and Mason are. I know it's a long shot, but I don't know what else to do, I feel like I've tried everything and nothing has worked. I keep thinking back to that day, trying to remember if anything out of the ordinary happened, but everything seemed normal. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I looked up to see my dad looking down at me with a small, sad smile.

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