Olivia's Party

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For @user82071155!

Savannah's POVI was headed to Joshua's house so he could bring us to the party that Olivia was holding

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Savannah's POV
I was headed to Joshua's house so he could bring us to the party that Olivia was holding. I arrived at his house not too soon after I got ready for the party. We hugged and exchanged hello's. "Wow. You look beautiful." Joshua blushed. I giggled. "Aw, thank you. You look great yourself." I smiled at him then we hopped into his car and started driving to the party.

"Savannah, it's not coh-lo-nel, it's ker-nel!"
"No!" We both laughed really hard at the fact that I couldn't say the word colonel. Anyways, we continued speaking until we finally reached the party. I hugged and greeted my friends. "Glad you could make it!" Sofia said to me. Olivia and Matt came up to me and also greeted me. "You are so pretty! I like what you did with you hair."
I playfully flaunted my brown/purple hair to them laughing as we conversed.
We entered Liv's house and Olivia stood up and told everyone to stop what they were doing for a second. I stood beside Joshua, waiting for what Olivia wanted to say. "Everyone, thank you for being here. This party has just began but it's already great but what I wanted to say was, Joshy wanted to come up here and say something! Come up here Josh!" Everyone clapped as Joshua went up to the stage to say something. I wonder what he could say.

"Okay. Um, hey guys, I wanted to come up here and say thank you. It has been a great two years. Season 2 was amazing to film and I'm so happy that I was able to be included in it but I've been waiting for this moment since I was eight. Savannah, seeing you tonight just made me sure that you're the one I want,"
Everyone gasped in awe.
"You are my everything. Whenever you visit the set to cheer me on as I act out scenes, you make me so damn happy. Thank you for being beside me and I'm so happy that you slipped on that banana,"
The crowd laughed, I laughed too but my cheeks went red, as I was embarrassed.
"If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have been forced to help you and I don't think we would've ever spoke. So what I'm trying to say is... I love you.
Everyone awed and Dara from behind told me to go up to the stage and kiss him. I tried to not move but Dara convinced me.
While everyone looked at us, waiting for what was going to happen, me and Joshua looked at each other with grins. "I have something to tell you too." I blurted.
"What is it?"
"I love you too."
Joshua's smile grew even larger and pulled me into a magical kiss. I felt like a Disney princess. I was in euphoria. He was the one I wanted all along. Everyone cheered as we kissed again.

The party was almost over as some of our friends started to go home. The house started to have less people until it was just me, Olivia, and Joshua. "Goodnight guys." Olivia said, as she cleaned her house. "We could help you." I said and Olivia rejected. "It's okay! Go home and hang out with your boy Josh." Us three laughed and Olivia insisted so we hugged her and exited her home, and entered the car. "So... that kiss." Josh began the conversation.
"Yeah. Was it good?" I joked. "It was perfect."
I blushed. We spoke for a bit until he reached my home.

"I guess I should leave now. Goodnight, lover boy." I smiled, but before I could leave the car, Joshua stopped me. "Sav. One more kiss?! Please..?" Josh made baby eyes and looked really cute. I couldn't resist. "Okay..." I kissed him once more. "Okay, just one more." I giggled then kissed him again. "Goodnight now." I exited the car, and changed into my pajamas and flopped onto my bed. "Oh Josh..."
I said, staring into my ceiling. "How did I get so lucky..."
A few minutes passed and before I could doze off to sleep, I heard my phone ring. I picked it up and saw Josh's number. I picked up almost immediately. "Hey..! It's two am. What're you doing in your room?" I asked, confused.
"Eh, just got the feeling of wanting to talk to you." We both smiled, even when we both were visibly tired. "Did you wanna talk about something..?"
"Nah. Just wanted to see your pretty face."
I blushed.
"Awe look at you, blushing at everything I say."
I blushed yet again.
"Stop Joshua! I'll turn into a tomato." we both laughed again until I yawned.
"I should sleep. It's really late."
"Fine... goodnight Savannah."
"Goodnight. Love you." I blew some kisses into the camera and I fell asleep.

I woke up to hear yelling. I looked at the clock and it was 6:00 AM. My head hurts, I've only slept since 2 and felt sleep deprived. I looked at my phone and jumped back, startled, when I saw that Josh was the one yelling at me! It was this moment when I realize that I never ended the call. "Oh my god—"
"I'm late on set!"
"What set?"
"Highschool Musical: The Musical: The Series Season Three!"
"Oh my god, there's a third season?!"
"Uh... yeah, but that's what I'm talking about, I'm gonna be late!"
"Then get ready!"
"I am!"
Josh left his camera up where I could see him change. He took off his shirt then changed and got his hair ready. "It might be too late but I can see you..." I blurted, too tired to do anything.
"Just look away, I don't know!" He panicked.
He took a few minutes but finally got ready and said "I love you!" before ultimately ending the call. I also decided that it'd be fun if I visited set. I asked for him to pick me up, feeling embarrassed that he'd be even more late.

He arrived and picked me up and he hurried to the set. A few minutes passed and we were at set. Josh was relieved but I wasn't. I felt guilty. Matt was there, looking at me and Joshua. "What took you guys so long?" Matt questioned.
"Huh?" We said in unison, trying to regain our breath.
"Why are you guys so late?"
"Oh... We stayed up and are just tired." I answered, still panting.
"Uhh okay." He laughed.
Me and Josh said our byes to Matt and we both headed to Josh's RV (A/N, I forgot what it is called and can't check because my reception sucks LOL) and we both sat on his tiny couch. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you to pick me up."
"Hey don't be sorry. It's fine."
"But I should be, I'm the reason you're late on the first day back."
He held my chin up.
"You can do no wrong in my eyes Savannah."
I smiled.
Josh stood up though. "I love you, but I gotta go, I'm already late." He giggled. "Hey, before you leave, take this." I held out a necklace that had a picture of me and him, about 2 years ago. When someone took a picture of us hugging. I've had this picture forever. It was just the cutest thing ever.
He put it on and teared up because of the necklace's picture.
"Joshua Bassett?!" One of the crew members yelled out.
"Yeah, I'm here! I'll be there in a second!" He yelled back. "Okay, I love you and I'll see you later." He spoke, still in awe of the necklace.
We kissed once more until he ran out.
"Josh, I love you too."

hope y'all liked this! just getting back
into writing even tho school's a bit stressful lol. keep on requesting and YAY! 1K reads! that is crazy, i never knew i could get that much reads. ty all so much. much love to all of u! ❤️

𝒋𝒐𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒂 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒕𝒕 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔  [REQUESTS OPEN!]Where stories live. Discover now