Secret Admirers

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2376 Words

Joshua's POV

I was at a meet and greet and I was greeting and taking photos with a bunch of fans. Seeing so many people actually want to meet me seems so crazy to me! Anyways, I would sometimes sign autographs, take funny photos, and talk for a few minutes until I greet a new fan.

A new fan walked in, as per usual. "Hey!" She cheerily said, waving my hands. The blonde girl had a huge smile and walked up to hug me. "Hi! I'm Joshua, what's your name?"
"Nice to meet you Abby! So how are you doing?" I asked, looking at her.
"Pretty good, I was actually just in a plane and got here just to meet you!" She answered, still excited. I teared up because I can't imagine that someone would fly here just to be able to say hi to me and take a photo with.
"Aw, that is so sweet." I blushed, with my tears in eyes visible.
"Don't cry!" She laughed, I laughed along. "Alright, let's take some photos and I'll see you soon." I said, having to end our tiny chat.

We snapped a few photos, hugging and smiling. "Jump on my back!" I joked, and she actually jumped on my back. We laughed and took a photo with her on my back. "Okay, you're a lot of fun but goodbye." I smiled.
"Alright! Bye Joshua!" She giggles, as she exited the room. As she walked out, I saw a note drop, and even though when I should've gave it to her, I kept it. I wonder what was inside. I obviously couldn't open it due to the meet and greet still going on.

I hugged the last fan and said goodbye, and headed home. The meet and greet ended and I went home. I showered then changed into more comfortable clothes and got on my bed. I opened up the note I got from that Abby girl. What did it say? "call me joshua! 329-828-5471" Woah. I guess she meant to give this to me. I jumped off my bed, grabbed my MacBook and I called up Matt and Sofia. "Hey guys.", they both answered the call and said "Hey." back. "Guys, I got something to tell you." I confessed. "Oooh, what is it Josh?" Sofia perked up. "Dude, what's up?" Matt asked, also curious.
"This girl dropped a note and I picked it up and it says-" I read what the note said to the two.
"Oooh, Josh, you got an admirer." Sofia gasped, in amazement. She giggled like someone had tickled her.
"You got someone's number!" Matt yelled, with excitement.
"Okay-okay, calm down Matt." I laughed.
We spoke about this number for a minutes. "Guys, I'm gonna call her. If I call back, something went wrong."
"Okay." Sofia and Matt nodded in unison.
"'Kay, wish me luck."
I ended the call and started dialing the number.

Abby's POV

I just got back to my family's hotel room from the meet and greet where I got to meet the one and only Joshua Bassett! I was still ecstatic about the whole situation. It had been such a long night, I flew from New Jersey, came here, then traveled the city then got to meet Joshua Bassett. JOSHUA BASSETT. I wanted to check if she still had everything. And a great friend of hers walked in, more specifically her sister, Maya. Maya was in college but she could stay home for winter break. She said hi in a tired, yet happy voice. "How was it with your baby daddy?" said Maya, teasing me. I blushed. "It was wonderful, too bad I didn't give him the note-"
"You didn't?! I should've came with you."
"I got distracted by his body!"
We both stared at each other, silent, but we knew what was coming next. We burst in laughter as Maya came up to me, unable to stop her laughs. "His body?!"
"He's well-built... okay-"
"I know, but like you're only 16. Stop acting like you're 21 and can just go around fucking anyone. You're not a hoe."
"Who said I was..?"
"No one."
"Then why'd you—you know what? I'm gonna take a shower."
"Alright. Goodnight, I'm sleeping early."
"You always say that-"

𝒋𝒐𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒂 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒕𝒕 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔  [REQUESTS OPEN!]Where stories live. Discover now