14: Who Has Not Seen The Nightfall

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"I can't believe that happened." Millie was stunned as she studied me closely, eyes perceptive but unsure of what they were seeing. Uncomfortable beneath her impending gaze, I shifted my weight to the other leg and forced a casual shrug.

"Me either. I guess Sam is trying to be more civil now that we have to spend time together." Once more, I was faced with the sad reality that I was not a good liar. So I just hoped that I sounded dismissive enough for Millie to let the conversation go.

Approximately twenty minutes prior, we were in the middle of Biology class. The teacher left the room to print off some papers, which resulted in a brief influx of pure anarchy. Because a room full of emotionally underdeveloped teenagers without any supervision was pretty much asking for it.

Millie and I were in the middle of a conversation about her sister, when I took vague notice of Dennis flirting with some girl by taking a paper from her and waving it over her head. In the other hand was some red drink, which is important information. It was like we were in middle school all over again, and I rolled my eyes dully at the ridiculousness of it.

It was during this time that the girl started to chase Dennis around. He got close to my lab table right as Sam went over to try to stop him before he got into too much trouble. The collision of them both resulted in the red drink spilling all over me. My luck was truly infallible.

Of course, that wasn't the most shocking part.

The teacher walked in pretty much at the same moment, instantly demanding to know what was going on. Dennis explained that it was all Sam's fault for colliding with him, leaving out the part about how he was running around the classroom like a moron. The teacher demanded that we all apologized to each other, and told Sam to assist me in finding a new shirt. I told her it was fine, but she insisted.

That was when Sam offered me his sweatshirt as a solution. As in the infamous red rose embroidered one that he was almost always wearing. He made it seem reluctant and annoyed, but I wasn't stupid. He wanted me to wear it.

It smelt like him — subtle lavender mixed with cologne. It was soft, warm, and cozy. I hated it for everything that it was, because Sam was supposed to be the absolute worst person I knew. I was supposed to hate his mere existence, and the idea of wearing his shirt should have made me sick to my stomach.

But I liked it.

I hated that the most.

After having stared at me for an uncomfortable amount of time, Millie finally shrugged. "Yeah, I'm sure that's all it is."

We didn't bring it up for the rest of the day, dancing around the subject like trained professionals. I didn't know what Millie knew, or thought she knew, but I was going to pretend that it didn't exist. Hopefully that possibility would die with time.

From there on, school continued until it was done for the day. Sam drove me to his house while shamelessly singing the lyrics to songs he chose according to my response. If I shrugged then it meant that I didn't know it. If I nodded then it meant that I did.

When we reached his absurd mansion and went inside, Sam didn't stop at the living room like he always did. For the first time ever he ushered me towards the stairs instead.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

He just smiled at me, grabbed my hand, and began dragging me behind him. I followed, but my gaze was trained on the way our fingers fit together. As if we were two long lost puzzle pieces connected for the first time. His palm wasn't sweaty or clammy. It was just his warm skin enveloping my own. Ignoring the sudden flush in my cheeks, I turned my attention back to where we were headed. He walked me to the very end of the hallway before he stopped.

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