Awkward Confession ~ Seroroki

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Warning: kinda crackhead energy at the start -u-"

(Minor mention of Tsuchako ((Asui x Uraraka)), Kamijirou, Kiribaku/Bakushima and Iida x Aoyama)




Sero stepped into the common room, wearing a giant, black hoodie and some grey, tight sweatpants. He had white socks and his hair was tied into the mini-bun at the back of his head. Of course Todoroki noticed the tiniest details of that damned ravenette. Like how his nose would scrunch up when he was disgusted or how he started rubbing the back of his neck when he was uncomfortable or embarrassed. And how he was shivering at the moment. Wait, what? Todoroki saw very clearly that Sero was shivering. It wasn't that cold, was it? He couldn't tell, because of his left side.

"Occhan," Todoroki caught the attention of a close friend of his, Uraraka Ochako. She continued to eat her mochi, but tilted her head in a questioning manner, indicating for the president of gay to continue.

"Is it cold in here?" He asked, sounding a bit dumb. She raised a brow and gave him an 'are you serious' look. Upon closer inspection (that was not needed), Todoroki noticed that most of his classmates were wearing sweatshirts or hoodies, accompanied with sweatpants or just jeans. O h. Sero was now sitting beside him, only 5 inches apart. The very cute boy was eating cold soba, which happened to be Todoroki's favorite. He could never stop himself whenever near cold soba.

"Can I have some?" Todoroki poked Sero's (unnecessarily soft) cheek. Sero raised a brow at him before realizing what the ultimate gay god meant. He nodded, a smile forming on his (probably soft) lips. Everything about Sero was soft. Todoroki was about to get up to get his own chopstick, but Sero offered his own. The chopsticks were close to his mouth and had the cold soba on them already. And everyone knows Todoroki can't stop himself whenever around cold soba. The leader of the gays quickly munched up the soba. Sero just giggled at how exited Todoroki got. Both of their pale cheeks were rosy colored. The Bakusquad stared at this weird-ish interaction. Todoroki then noticed how Sero's hands –more like his whole body– was shaking.

"Do you want to go to my dorm?" Todoroki asked, once all the soba was eaten. Sero's pale cheeks turned a rosy color, but he nodded awkwardly. Sero got up, walking into the kitchen and set the bowl the cold soba was in previously in the sink. When he walked back into the common room, Todoroki wrapped his left arm around Sero's waist, heating up Sero's freezing body. Sero melted right into the touch, and rest his head on Todoroki's shoulder.

"Shall we go?" Sero nodded. When the two started walking away, they glanced at their friends. The Bakusquad were going wild. Bakugou was holding a paper that read, 'If he hurts you, I'll kill him'. Ashido was grinning smugly and wiggling her brows. Kirishima was fangirling. Kaminari had his hands in front of him, doing this: 👉👌. (I'm bad at explaining lmao). Jirou was just staring at her dumb Pokémon boyfriend. Sero blushed a deep red and sent them a piercing glare.

Todoroki looked at his friends, the Dekusquad. Midoriya was mumbling something about 'Todoroki and Sero fuccin' and writing into his notebook. Uraraka was taking millions of photos, while her girlfriend, Asui, stared at Uraraka lovingly before shouting: "GET THAT DICK, TODOROKI!" Iida was saying something about focusing on education and not love. Very hypocritical considering he's (not-so-secretly) dating Aoyama. Todoroki just gave them all a questioning glance.

The oblivious pair are now in Todoroki's dorm room. Sero was sitting on Todoroki's bed, criss-cross style. Todoroki was beside him, sitting with his legs under him. Todoroki's left hand was on Sero's thigh, warming him.

" 'R-roki..?" Sero cursed himself internally for stuttering. Todoroki tilted his head in a questioning manner, signaling for Sero to continue.

"Uh, wh-what do y-you, uh, never mind." Sero sighed out of frustration. Why was he such a coward? Why couldn't he just say it? Just say "I love you, 'Roki" and be done with it.

"Y-you do??" Sero's eyes widen and his cheeks turned a bright red. He said it out loud, didn't he? Sero hesitantly glanced at Todoroki. Todoroki's face was a deep red and he was now burning Sero's leg. Sero yelped and jumped back, almost falling off the bed.

"Uh, y-yeah." Sero responded to Todoroki's question. They stared at each other for a while, before Todoroki reached out to grab Sero's face, pulling him into a small kiss.

"FUCKING FINALLY!" A shout could be heard from outside the door.

"KAT, I LOVE YOU, BUT SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Sero sighed, already knowing that if Kirishima and his boyfriend, Bakugou, was outside the door, Kaminari, Ashido and Jirou would too.

"Kacchan, maybe–" Wait, Midoriya?

"SHUT UP, NERD!" Explosions could be heard.

"Bakugou! Do not attack other students!" Iida. So the Dekusquad was most likely there as well. Sero got up from the bed and opened the door. For some reason, the students outside looked shocked that Sero found them.

"H-heyyy, Sero! Come here often??" Kaminari grinned nervously. Sero's piercing glare made them all run away. The tape user closed the door (not without a sigh) and sat on the bed again. The bed felt softer than earlier.

"S-sorry, 'Roki!" Sero had sat down on the love of his life on accident. He's moving a little fast, don't you think?

"It's fine." Todoroki said calmly, even though his face was just as red as Sero's. Todoroki wrapped his arms around Sero's slim waist and rested his chin (and the rest of his head) on Sero's shoulder.

"Does this make us b-boyfriends?" Sero quietly asked, half-hoping Todoroki wouldn't hear him. Todoroki stayed silent for a moment, making Sero a nervous wreck.

"I guess it does." Sero glanced at Todoroki, who was softly smiling at him. Sero couldn't stop the big smile spreading on his face.

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