(Don't) Leave Me Alone - ShinKamiSero

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Requested by: (I'm tryna add 'em, but Wattpad is annyoing)

Warning: swearing :/

Tw: suggestion of physical and verbal abuse

Also sad boi sero

(I love Sero, I swear guys)




"Me and Den are going out for a moment." Shinsou started, gaining the attention of Kaminari's classmates. "Sero will most likely be in a bad mood, because we had an argument, don't mind him." Kaminari continued. Class 1A nodded, understanding what to do when Sero was in a bad mood.

1. If he's in the same room, pretend he's not there.

2. If he walks up to you, walk away.

3. If he talks to you, pretend you're sad and he'll leave you alone.

4. If he starts screaming in different languages, you fucked up.

24 minutes later, Sero walks into the common room. The atmosphere suddenly changed. Sero usually would lift others moods up and would make everyone happy with just his smile, but now he was frowning and everyone felt sad for one reason or the other.

Sero walked up to Bakugou, and Bakugou, being the rule breaker that he is, didn't walk away like he was supposed to.

Both boys were in bad moods for whatever reasons, and two fierce 1A students on bad moods wasn't a good mix.

"The fuck you want, soy sauce?" Bakugou snarled. The rest of class 1A groaned at Bakugou's stupidity. Once, when Sero was angry at Aoyama, he started screaming at him in french and Aoyama wouldn't speak for almost a month. Both refused to tell what the taller had said.

"Why do you always assume I want something from you? Can't I just talk to you?" Sero glared back with just as much malice.

"Not when you're acting like a girl on her period." Bakugou rolled his eyes. Class 1A was starting to get annoyed and Kirishima was prepared to jump up and stop a fight from happening.

"I don't get why you need to be so angry all the time? Like, I get that you're jealous of Midoriya being better than you, but-"

Class 1A stared in horror at the scene that just unfolded. Bakugou had cut Sero off by slapping him on the cheek, causing for Sero to fall on the ground from the impact. Sero was clutching the cheek he was slapped on and you could tell he was shaking.

"Ah, shit. Sorry, soy- Sero, or whatever, I didn't mean to-" Bakugou reached his hand out for Sero to grab, but Sero just backed away quickly and ran off.

The silence in the common room felt suffocating, but no one spoke up. Eventually, Kirishima's phone rang, snapping everyone out of their daze.

"Hi..?" Kirishima spoke, unsure on how to greet whoever called him, because he had forgotten to check the caller ID.

"Yo, Kiri! What's up?" Kaminari's voice boomed through the phone. Kirishima hadn't realized that his phone was on speaker.

"Uh, we may or may not have made Sero angrier." Kirishima awkwardly chuckled.

"By 'we', do you mean Bakugou?" Shinsou's voice mumbled from the background.

"Yeah." Kirishima answered truthfully.

"Don't tell me they tried to fight again." Kaminari sighed.

"No." There was silence for awhile, before Shinsou spoke.

"What happened then?"

"They were pretty much growling at each other until Bakugou bitch-slapped Sero." Ashido jumped in, knowing Kirishima would sugarcoat what happened.

Silence again.

"Slapped?!" Kaminari yelled, causing for Shinsou to shush him.

"Uh, yeah." Kirishima answered. The call then ended and Kirishima was just as confused as everyone else in the room. 

8 minutes later, Kaminari rushed into the common room, while Shinsou headed straight for the stairs and ran up.

"Did you see where Hanta went?!" Kaminari yelled, not even trying to quiet his voice.

"Into his dorm?" Jirou answered hesitantly. Kaminari then ran, not answering any of the questions about to be asked.

Kaminari panted heavily, stopping beside Shinsou, who was in front of the tall ravenette's room.

"Is he in there?" Kaminari whispered. Shinsou shrugged and knocked on the door. There was a lot of shuffling on the other side and then silence.

The two put of three boyfriends open the door, glad to see that it was unlocked.

Sero's room was dark. The lights were turned off and it reminded Kaminari of Tokoyami's dorm. Sero was curled up in his bed and his blanket was laid on top of him.

"Han?" Kaminari approached Sero. Sero mumbled something that his boyfriends couldn't hear.

"Han, you're gonna have to speak up." Kaminari sat down beside Sero.

" 'M sorry." Sero mumbled a bit louder, a soft sob accompanying it.

"You don't have anything to be sorry about." Shinsou sits down on the bed too, on the other side of Sero.

"I shouldn't have said what I did to Bakugou. He didn't deserve that." Sero mumbled.

"I'm sure he did. I mean, you didn't deserve to get slapped either." Sero flinched, not wanting to remember what had occurred minutes ago.

"Mom was right, I'm a mistake." Sero sobbed out. Kaminari quickly tackled him on the bed, holding onto his waist tightly.

"I want you to listen and you better listen good." Kaminari started. Sero and Shinsou stayed quiet, Sero being  too emotionally overwhelmed and Shinsou being horrible at comforting.

"You're the most honest, amazing, loving and supportive person I know. You may not be the strongest or the smartest, but you always try your best and that's what matters. Your parents are shit and don't deserve to have someone as amazing as you. I know you have issues loving yourself, so when you're feeling self-conscious or negatively overwhelmed, you can always come to me or Hitoshi. We really care and you know that." Kaminari finally finished, letting Sero process all the words that were said.

"Thanks, Denks. Thanks, Toshi." Sero mumbled and moved himself to be on Kaminari's chest.

"I didn't say anything though." Shinsou frowned, feeling guilty.

"Just you being here is enough." Sero gave the two a small smile, making Kaminari grin and Shinsou give a small smile as well.

"Come." Sero sleepily patted the spot next to Kaminari on the bed and Shinsou laid down. He moved Sero to be between him and Kaminari and then wrapped his arms around Sero's slim waist. Kaminari did the same and they all closed their eyes and enjoyed the comfortable silence filling the room.

(A/N: Sorry that it's crap, I felt unmotivated halfway into this and you can see it :(

I didn't have energy to proofread, so mistakes are most likely present.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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