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"We're here," Natalie announces quietly as Michael pulls up to a house hidden in the trees.

"Thank god!" Kayla exclaims, opening her door before the car's come to a full stop. 

Ashton scrambles over the seat after her, almost whacking me in the head with his foot.

"Damn, Mike," Calum says as he gets out. "Your uncle really did the hell out of those renovations."

I nod in agreement, unable to take my eyes off the house that might as well be a mansion.

Michael shrugs as he shoves his hands in his pocket, his eyes traveling to the house. "He likes to 'live in comfort'."

Lindsay snorts.

Luke opens the back of the car and starts passing out bags, handing the food we'd stopped at the local grocery to buy to Ashton. 

I lean forward to take my bag out of his hands but Luke moves it up higher out of my reach.

"Oh no, I got it," he says a hint of a grin. "What would my mother think if I didn't offer to take my girlfriend's bag?"

I roll my eyes, hiding a smile of my own as we walk up to house.

Calum lets out a low whistle as he looks around at the massive foyer and expensive decorations. "Michael, man, this is fucking awesome."

He grins. "I told you you weren't going to regret coming here."

"If all the rooms are this nice, I can fuck you in style," Calum tells Lindsay, earning a whack upside the head from Ashton.

"You nasty boy," he scolds. "No swearing!"

Calum only grins.

"Fuck shit pussy ass motherfucking damn bitch!" he screams at the top of his lungs, giggling as he runs away from Ashton.

"You're gonna get it, Hood!" Ash yells after him, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt.

I turn to loop my arm through Luke's. "Let's go pick out the best room before anyone else can claim it," I say, starting toward the stairs.

We end up in the last one on the left. I jump onto the bed, bouncing a little while Luke sets our bags down. 

He smiles as he places his hands on the bed, leaning forward. "After hours in that car with them, I'm just happy to have you to myself," he says as he tilts his head to press his lips to mine.

I twist my fingers in his hair, drawing him closer to me. His knees hit the mattress as he gladly falls into me, sliding a hand up my thigh to my hip.

"What if we just locked the door and ignored them for the rest of the day?" Luke murmurs against me, pulling me in for another kiss.

I smile as I break away. "Luke, you know we can't do that, no matter how badly we want to."

"I know," he says softly, running a hand through a strand of my hair. "But it was nice to imagine."

My mouth finds his once more, effectively ending the conversation.

"You were mad at me for saying bad things, but look, they're about to do bad things!" Calum exclaims to Ashton, walking by our door.

Ashton peers in. "Eww!" he says. "Remember to leave room for Jesus!"

"No glove, no love!" Michael helpfully shouts from downstairs.

I roll my eyes, glaring at them over Luke's shoulder. "Can't you mind your own business?"

"Hey, our best friend having sex with you is our business," Calum says.

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