The return of the straw ghost

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Kang-Lim POV

So are we almost there

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So are we almost there



after a few minutes

Ha-ri:bye kang-lim


his mind:idiot why didnt you tell her

Ha-ri POV

hey mom,dad,doori

Doori:hey sis come outside

ok let me put my stuff down


Ga-eun POV  

Shinbi:oh hey Ha-ri

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Shinbi:oh hey Ha-ri

Hari:hey what yall doing here

oh nothing me and hyunwoo came by

Ha-ri:oh ok, wanna go to the park

sure,come on guys

At The Park..

Ha-ri:finally were here, wanna get a snack gaeun and i invited ian and kanglim

O///O o-ok

At the Snack bar

Ha-ri:ICE-CREAM, *turns around* *drops ice-cream gah ah g-gaeun

Yes *drops ice-cream* gah ah

???:hehe hello again..Girls


Straw Ghost:OH righty do *Grabs them* no one gonna save u now


Kang-lim POV


heard them scream

Ian:lets go

Doori,Shinbi, and Hyun-woo:ok

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