Des's POV I got out of the shower before Mattia i couldn't really walk but wasn't gonna show mattia that so i tried my best to walk perfectly i went into my room and changed into this:
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Mattia finaly came back and changed into this
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Mattia:lets take pictures Des:well if you wanna show them girls my hot friend Mattia:"friend" woww that one really hurtt Des:oh come onnn best friend
Mattia acted hurtt until he finaly got up And we took pictures
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Mattiapolibio: when she takes your pictures 😍😍 likes by:,hazel.lopez,bela.gomez,lopez.des,alejandrosario and 200,000 more
Comments 2,195
Bela.gomez: cutie😍
》Alejandrosario:don't remember asking.
Samm.y: @/bela.gomez come get ur manz 》lopez.des:her manz? 》bela.gomez:yessir my manz got a problem with it.
Tiktokroom:^ Mattia polibio has girls fight over him... is he still dating bela🤔 》mattiapolibio:no im not dating bela idk why she is on my page im happily into someone at the moment. 》fan.44:he's into someone?!?!?! 》hater.1:mattia aint even worth the girls time.
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Lopez.des: so theres this one boyy🙊 Liked by:Alejandrosario,mattiapolibio,arii,hazel.lopez and 100,000 more
Comments 2,331
Alejandrosario:and that one boy isss.... 》lopez.des: opp- 》fan.41: alee finish the sentence pleasee
Tiktokroom:destiny been really close to mattia recently🤔 》lopez.des:😂😂 》fan.12:soo is that a yes or a no 》fan.62:yalll #dattia or #mela 》mattiapolibio:😆😂
Mattiapolibio:🙈🙈 》fan.2: YOU GUYS ARE SO CONFUSING 》fan.3:waitttt
AlvaroRomero:dm me please. 》Tiktokroom: didn't mattia and alvaro recently get into a fight🍵🍵 》lopez.des:tiktokroom kinda late on the tea whats up with that?? 》fan.6:is des becoming the new tiktokroom cause tiktokroom is kinda slow
~~~~~~~~~~~~tbc~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So apparently mattia and kai have been leaked ive seen to muchhhh im never seeing any of them the same even if its not themm😣😣😣😣😆