I woke up to the sound of my alarm go off it was currently 6 am n school started at 8:15 so i got up and put my outfit on
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then i went downstairs to get breakfast i got a apple and a bar when i finished i went to the bathroom brush my teeth and brush my hair i then wash me face and go down stairs get my car key and leave once i got to school i went straight to the office
Once o walked in I saw this cute boy i then walk up to the desk and ask for my schedule the lady at the front deat then hand it to me and say "he going to show you around and to you classes" the cute boy then stand up and walk toward you
Your thought "No wayyy jeez he's hott"
I snap out of my thought once he says "Hi im Mattia and you are?" "Oh hi im destiny" "nice name let go" "Thanks yea c'mon" we then walk out and he asked for my schedule i hand it to him Mattia:cool we have 4 classes together Destiny:haha yea Mattia:so how old are you Destiny: im 16 what about you Mattia:same hey want to seat with me at lunch Destiny:yes if you didint ask i would have sat by myself Mattia:haha anyway were here We walked in and there was another really hot guy
My thought Damnnn they just come out of no where
I then feel Mattia hold my hand and walk me to a desk we seat behind the hot guy. He then turn around and say ?: so Mattia you gonna introduce me to this cutie Mattia:Oh ya this is Destiny Destiny the is alejandro Ale:Hi Destiny you must be new huh? Des:yea i am Ale:cool so you seating with us at lunch Destiny:yea Mattia already ask me too Ale:k He then turn around. Skip to lunch* You walk with Mattia and ale to lunch you weren't hungry so you walk straight to a table were you saw Mattia as you were walking you felt a arm around you and it ale you just go with it and as you walk up to the table you look at Mattia and he look jealous but you ignore it