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You got a text from Kai, asking you to meet him outside in the park. You asked him why, and he said to just come, and you'll soon see why. You shrugged and changed into a red outside (hence the thought that Kai likes red), and went out. At the park, you looked around but you didn't see anyone, so you just sat at a nearby bench and texted Kai, asking where he was. Soon, you saw an envelope float in front of you, and it had your name written in big, bold, red letters. You rushed up to it and caught it, and then opened it. Inside were tiny little pieces of paper that had letters written on each one and a note. The note said: 'Try and see if you can make a sentence with all these letters. Hint: W--l Y-- B- M- G---f----d?'. You spread the letters out on the grass and mixed around the letters to see if you can get the sentence with the hints. Soon, you came up with: 'Will You Be My Girlfriend?'. You blushed furiously and then you heard a cough behind you. You looked back and stood up, seeing Kai there with a red face.
"W-Will you? Y-You don't have to..." Kai asked and looked away, CLEARLY embarrassed. You chuckled at his cuteness and went up to him, kissing his cheek. 
"I'd love to." You answered with a pink face. Kai smiled and pulled you into a hug which you returned, and he placed a kiss on your head.


Jay has been fidgety the past few days, and it wasn't because of any sweets. He would always assure you that it was just ninja stuff, but you could tell that he was lying. After a day or two, you got a call from him and he asked if you were free. You answered you were, and he asked if he could come over this time. You agreed to that and got dressed in a blue outfit, since you know he likes blue. After a while, Jay rang your doorbell and you happily pulled him inside xD. You knew this was your chance to get the truth outta him.
"Jay, you have to tell me truthfully, OK? Please tell me why you're so fidgety these days. Are you sick?" You asked him in a worried tone. Jay looked up at you and sighed.
"OK, I'm going to be straight-forward then..." Jay sighed and said, making you nod, wanting him to continue. Jay bit his lip and looked away, then took a deep breath and...quickly pecked your cheek! You blushed furiously at his actions and you placed a hand on where he kissed.
" like me?" You asked him, still blushing like an idiot. Jay nodded and blushed harder.
"Y-Yeah...I've been trying to tell you it but I couldn't...I guess I'm just a little bit too timid, but...[Y/N], will you go out with me?" Jay asked you with a cute smile. You instantly nodded and tackled him in a hug, and you kissed his cheek back! 


Zane was over at your house, but this time, you guys weren't working on anything for school. Just normal hanging out time! That is, when Zane asked you another lovey-dovey question...
"[Y/N], what are girlfriends and boyfriends?" Zane asked you, facing away from his book and looking at you. You blushed sun red and shook it off.
"Well, a girlfriend and a boyfriend are...two people who love each other. I've already told you about love. Girlfriends and boyfriends are the terms that young teenagers from ages 13 to whatever age until they decide to get married...Understand?" You explained. Zane nodded and smiled.
"In that case, [Y/N], would you like to be my girlfriend?" Zane asked you. You were blushing madly on the outside, and in the inside? FANGIRLING~ XD You smiled bigger and hugged him.
"Of course Zane~ I love you!" You squealed and planted a kiss on his cheek. Zane laughed at your sudden reaction and kissed your cheek back.


Cole was over, as usual, and he brought cake! ^O^ He set it down on the table and you guys decided to eat it later. You both went upstairs and chatted for what seemed like forever. Later, you decided to have a peek at the cake. You took off the ribbon, opened the lid and saw a chocolate cake with red frosting writing out: 'Be Mine?'. You gasped loudly in shock and also fell onto the floor backwards. Cole heard you fall and rushed downstairs, only to see you staring at him with a pink face. Cole saw the cake exposed and started blushing too.
"You...Alright, I guess I have to ask you now." Cole laughed a bit and helped you up. "[Y/N], I've liked you for a while now. So...Be mine?" He asked you sweetly and held up a little cake keychain! You giggled at the adorableness and took it, embracing him in a hug as well.
"Of course!" You happily answered.


Lloyd and you were hanging out the bounty. You were introduced to the whole ninja team and you felt like dying of happiness right there! You and Jay were playing video games in the video game room and Lloyd went off to somewhere else. He said he would be back later. 2 hours has passed and Lloyd still hasn't returned. After you finished your round with Jay (him winning), you decided to look for Lloyd. You searched around the bounty and finally got to the kitchen. You slowly opened the door and saw Lloyd there, spelling something out with...candy! XD You secretly laughed to yourself and sneaked around the corner. You got a good view of what he was creating and it was: 'I love you, [Y/N]'. You blushed and freaked out.
"HUH?" You accidentally exclaimed out loud and covered your mouth. Lloyd whipped around and saw you, and he started turning red as well.
"[Y-Y/N]! W-What...are you doing here?!" Lloyd asked you. You ignored his question and dashed to the table, seeing it really was what you read, not something you mis-read. 
"Lloyd...You have a crush on me?" You asked him and he didn't respond. He slightly turned away and nodded, him blushing furiously by now.
"I...I do. I want to ask you...Will you be my girlfriend?" Lloyd asked, holding out your favorite candy. You cupped your mouth and smiled behind them. You accepted the candy and kissed Lloyd on the cheek.
"A MILLION TIMES YES!" You squealed and he laughed, kissing your cheek back.

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