Can I rant a bit?

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I completed all chapters of the game today. Now I only have the extra and backstage stories, and they're not fully voiced. Now I don't get to hear baby Azuma and Masumi's voices as much without rereading the main story.

It's sad, cuz I really wanna know what happens afterwards and see other plays that may happen in the future, but maybe they'll release a second game? It probably won't happen, but it would be nice, cuz I sorta lost a bit of interest in the game but imma still play (probably).

I bet nobody cares, but I'll put my game ID in the next chapter if I find it. Or if I'm too lazy I'll just update this one.

Ok bye, and thanks to whoever decided to read this and didn't skip. (「'・ω・)「〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

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