After a BUNCH of drama and running around, we had recruited the third member, Tsuzuru, we needed and were just getting settled for the night.

That Sakyo guy gave us a couple of conditions if we want to keep the theater, one being that we needed two more members to form the Spring Troupe.

After the Spring Troupe is formed, we need to put on a show by the end of next month that needs to have a full house on closing night.

If we can manage that, things should go easier when forming the other the other troupes. For now, though, we should work with what we have. Sakuya's deliveries are a little rough, but nothing too major. Tsuzuru on the other hand—

"Director?" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts, and I was met with Sakuya's hand waving in front of my face.

"Hm?" I managed to hum. Guess I spaced out there.

"Are you okay?" He wore a worried expression on his face, and I saw Tsuzuru and Masumi's eyes on me as well, while Matsukawa was moping about something. I flashed Sakuya the most reassuring smile I could at the moment.

"Yeah, just spaced out a little, that's all!"

"Why won't you smile like that for me..?" I heard Masumi mutter, but I decided to just ignore him.


I said I'd have something before Valentine's day, so there's this piece of junk. I procrastinated a lot, and rushed too, so it's probably bad.

My phone's been acting up a little too, but things should be back in order by next month. If I'm not too lazy, there might be a longer chapter next time.


The amount of views this book is getting is insane. Makes me feel nice.

Lol ok imma stop with the dumb stuff and take my leave now. Gonna go download pics of Azuma (「'・ω・)「

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