Chapter 5

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"welcome to your home for a week" Shiro smiled as class 12 stepped of their school bus and they stood at the top of the cliff before huge woods at the bottom of the cliff.

"i knew not to expect anything" Hunk sighed as he nibble on his sandwich. 

"where are we going to sleep, the letter said we at least be sleeping indoors with a bed and be eating from a cooking area that decent" Lance asked as he turned to his teacher. 

"before the woods is a grass area with a huge mansion, a group of hero's are waiting for us there. All you need to do it reach it before dark, i will be taking the bus to the mention along with your bags. Anyone who doesn't reach the mansion by dark does the washing up alone. I have given you all a bracelet that has a special tracker inside, so we be able to find someone if they do get lost but as long as you keep going straight from this direction then you'll reach the mansion. Good Luck" Shiro smiled and stepped on the bus that quickly drove away leaving Class 12. 

"i guess we better get going but how will everyone get down, i mean there a small path but only big enough for one person meaning we have to go in rows and I'm sure with the horror of washing up alone in everyone heads everyone will push" Keith mumbled as he looked around, noticing some classmates just jumping off while using their powers to land safely while a couple other students where already pushing trying to be the first to enter the cliff side path. 

"we jump, i can catch us with my power and then lance can make a water bubble to soften her small jump from where the branches catch us. James will you use your wind power to slow us down" Pidge replied and turned to her friends who stood stunned.

"oh yeah sure" James mumbled back.

"you think we meant to be working together" Hunk asked with a small smile. 

"i dont know, this training is meant to make us all stronger but I'm sure we also need to get strong at working together and using each other powers to pass tests. I dont know what the pro hero's are thinking" Pidge sighed. 

"well i say we should work together, we dont know what the woods are like and what the our classmates might do to make sure they make it before dark" Keith replied and Pidge nodded.

"then lets jump" Lance nervously smiled as they walked to the cliff.

"well if we die then we wont do the washing up" James replied and they all jumped using pidge plan to help them land without any issues or death before running in the woods. 

Using Hunk light power to light up their way since the tall trees blocked out the sun making it easy to get lost. Keith using his flames powers to keep track of the wind and help them know what direction to keep too. James and pidge using their powers to clear their path a little better and Lance making the ground muddy to help them slide under certain branch when needed. 

They sure came to a clear area with a mansion before them. They notice a couple of their classmates already here but not all of them. The group of five all sat down slightly warn out from using their powers so much. They didnt care when more classmates came running out of the woods or when the sun started to set meaning the night was coming and the race would come to an end. They didnt even notice their were more numbers of classmates then before and that class 11 had already joined them, being forced to do the same race it seems.

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