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Six months. The first month I cried my fool head off, yes I mean I am a fool. Who spends three years stringing someone along, making them believe they love you, only to tell them they don't, and he didn't think he ever did? How did I let three years of my life roll by and not notice he didn't love me? Well, that's what took the next five months figuring out.

Lance was right, I am smothering, no, that's not what he said, suffocating, and needy. I am those things, but I also realized, maybe I just poured out my love on the wrong person. I was needy because he wasn't filling me up. He took it wrong. Maybe, I'm still confused, but so is he. The jerk had the nerve to call me and beg me to come back two weeks after he shattered me. He actually had the audacity to act shocked when I told him to suck it!

He still creeps around every couple weeks, mainly sticks to email, asking how I am, telling me how much he misses me and how much he wishes he told me all the things I wanted to hear. Whatever, I think he just wants his free freaking trip to Aruba. He was livid I told him under no circumstances was he coming. I actually told him I canceled the trip.

Oh I have tried canceling several times, but my assistant Marcus will have none of it.

"How many times have we talked about this Maddie? You need this vacation, you need to regroup. Sun, sand, shopping!" Marcus gushes

"I guess, it's just, well...going alone feels strange." I say

"It isn't strange, you do things alone all the time, what's ten days? It's an incredible opportunity to regroup and meet new people and learn what makes you happy." He counters

"I still have Lance's ticket, you can take it. I will transfer it." I plead

"We have been over this dumpling, this is your trip and I'm in charge while you're gone. I need this! I need to feel the power!!" He demands while flexing his non existent muscles.

"Okay, tiny hulk, calm down. It's marketing, not Marvel. I'm going. If he comes by though don't tell him I went please."

"Girl, really? Never in a million." He swears. "This is gonna be good for you, now let's head out before you miss your flight."

As I shut down my office for the rest of the day, I feel good, I know I'm stronger now, I'll know better than to get duped into seeing things that aren't there, but mostly I won't be so quick to give my heart to someone who doesn't deserve it. As I walk out of my office, I have a smile on my face.
Yes, ten days of bliss is just what I need. I have a full trip planned and it is gonna be epic!

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