Chapter Twenty Three

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Kimber's Pov

"Fuck you! I'm not going anywhere with you!" I yelled, probably waking Slash up as Nikki stepped into the bathroom and shut the door behind him

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"Fuck you! I'm not going anywhere with you!" I yelled, probably waking Slash up as Nikki stepped into the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

"Fine, then you're going to talk to me." He shrugged leaning against the door, while pulling a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it up.

I shook my head and sighed in frustration as I sat down on the toilet, "I don't have anything to say to you either." I crossed my arms over my chest, while Nikki just rolled his eyes.

"What are you doing hanging out with guys like that?" He questioned more calmly as he took another inhale from his cigarette.

I scoffed before taking the cigarette from him and taking a long drag from it. "What are you doing sleeping around with Tommy's fiancé?" I spat as I stood up from the toilet and placed my hands on my hips. Nikki only sighed loudly and ran his hands through his hair, "I don't think you realize everything you've put me through Nikki." I felt the tears well up in my eyes as my voice cracked, "A girl can only take so much." I soon collapsed onto the bathroom floor and brought my knees to my chest, sobbing into them.

"Fuck." Nikki groaned before sitting down next to me and wrapping his arms around me, bringing me into his embrace. "I'm so sorry Kimberlee, for everything. I never meant to put you through so much pain..I love you." His voice was now hoarse as I brought my head from his chest and stared into his eyes. I could see the regret and guilt built up in them as he cupped my face, wiping the tear on my cheek away with his thumb. "You mean the world to me babe, and I know I don't show you often but I promise you mean the world to me." He spoke softly as he brought my face closer to his and connected our lips together. He waited for my reaction before our lips moved in sync, deepening our kiss. Being with Nikki always made me vulnerable, he just knew me too much. Even though he was only saying things I wanted to hear, it was nice to hear him admit his feelings. Before things could go any further, the bathroom door burst open and Nikki and I pulled away from each other, turning our attention to the doorway. Mick was stood there, staring at us with his arms crossed over his chest.

He rolled his eyes, "I don't know what's going on here, but unless you want to see my dick I suggest you get out." He huffed making Nikki and I immediately stand up from the floor and rush out of the bathroom, terrified of Mick's threat. Now realizing, everyone including Guns N Roses, was in my room; Nikki walked me over to my bed. Despite everyone here, Nikki pulled me down onto the bed and I laid on his chest. He soon pulled the covers over us and wrapped his arms tightly around me. We just laid there in silence as we listened to the others conversations, hearing Lauren occasionally laugh. I felt numb I laid in Nikki's arms, I just continued to stare at the ceiling above me, and listening to his heartbeat underneath me. Soon enough the voices from the other room started to become faded as Nikki pulled me closer to him and kissed my head.

"I love you." Was all it took for me to exhale a breath I didn't know I was holding and slowly close my eyes. As high as I was, I still knew how I truly felt, and Nikki wasn't getting off so easy. I loved laying with him, just to hear his heartbeat, and how our breathing patterns matched made me feel complete. I hadn't felt like this with anyone in my life, and for the first time I was experiencing real love with Nikki. As much as we've been through, and still going through, we always found our way back to each other; and you know what they say. If you love something set if free, and if it comes back it's meant to be. No matter how much we both struggled through, we never forgot where we belonged. I placed my arm across Nikki's chest as I laid my hand on his check and slowly stroked it. I tangled my legs with Nikki's, smiling softly to myself before I felt the sleep I desperately needed consume me.

I was rudely awoken once I heard the door to my room slam shut. I quickly opened my eyes, realizing Nikki was still fast asleep next to me. I let out a sigh of relief as I untangled myself from him and sat up. Surprisingly, Tommy was fast asleep in his bed, spread out horizontally. I laughed to myself as Tommy's head hung off the side of the bed, probably breaking his neck. I glanced around the room, noticing everyone from last night was gone. Of course, whoever left last must have woke me up by slamming the door. I ran my hand through my hair tiredly as I glanced at the clock on the nightstand, which read '9:30.' I sighed to myself before standing up from the bed and walking over my bag, zipping it open to only become confused. The picture I had took of Steven and Slash was on top of my photo album, along with my camera, and a syringe...ready to go. My eyes went wide as I closed the bag shut, and looked back at the sleeping boys, hoping they didn't see inside. Luckily they were both heavy sleepers, and hadn't heard me wake up. I steadied my breathing, before carefully opening my bag back up and picking the photo up.

'-I finally returned your camera, and luckily let you keep this photo ;). I'll miss you Kim, and it was nice to see you again. Even though this probably isn't goodbye, I left something for you to remember me. I figured you'd need it.

Just as I finished reading what Steven had wrote, a wave of nausea came over me and I began to sweat. Quickly placing the photograph back into the album, I grabbed the syringe and my rubber band before heading into the bathroom. I made sure I locked the door behind me before collapsing onto the floor, propping myself up against the bathtub. I pulled the hoodie was wearing over my head and threw it onto the ground in front of me. I feverishly wrapped the band around my arm, and waited for a vein along my arm to appear. Once I noticed one, I took the needle into my other hand and brought it to my arm. Wincing at the pain the needle hand on my skin, I slowly but quickly injected the brown liquid into my system. In an instant, I felt the drug rush through my body and to my brain, giving me the high I craved. Once the needle was empty, I removed it from my arm and untied the band. I threw the evidence into the pocket of my hoodie, before turning on the water to the shower. Once it was the right enough temperature, I stripped from my clothes and stepped into the relaxing water. I stood there with my back against the shower head as I began to feel the drug effects take over me. It was like a comfort I've never felt before, it's made me feel comfortable with myself, like I was able to control my head for once. I never thought herion would be the love I've been chasing for this entire time.

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