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I shrieked when Heroine-chan grabbed my hand.

My Tian ah! (tl: tian= God)

This is real life and not a novel!

"Miss! Please have propriety! Men and women should not touch!"

I had grabbed my lapel in fear, fearful that she would grab onto me and take away my chastity.

My eyes roved to my elder cousin... Whose face was blacker than a black pot.

"Miss He, please let go."

Why is she so strong???

I once more tried to wrench my hand out.

Unfortunately, my actions had propelled her forward to me.

My mind was stagnant with horror as I saw Heroine's soft body falling upon me.

My goodness.

This body's desire to have soft female bodies falling onto him was more than just desire. It was a talent!

Before Heroine-chan and I could entwine our bodies in an ambiguous (but unwanted) position, and as I saw her falling, already imagining how I would be forced to marry her, my older cousin's black face came into mind.

Rather than me entwining Heroine in my embrace.

My cousin brother's face and hard muscular body was now in my arms.

Tian ah!

This master is not homosexual!

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