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I shivered.

Please stop threatening me.

"Miss He, please stop this foolishness!"

I tried to push her away but whoa, was she strong!

"Gentleman. Please listen me! I have a space!"

I cried inwardly.

I know!!

I know you have a space! I read the novel (before I died).

I immediately pushed her away.

"Please stop!"

My eyes widened as those words did not come out from my mouth.

I saw my taciturn Eldest Cousin pulling her up by the scruff and looking at her with a dark face.

"Miss He. My younger cousin has been ill for a while. I know the schemes and strategies of your illegal sisters has implicated you and my younger cousin more than once. But, to come here on your own and throw yourself at a man in a stranger's home... You really open my eyes."

Miss He was shocked with her mouth wide open.

She held onto her sleeves unbecomingly as tears pooled and fell.


"Cousin, please put her dow-"


Please don't death stare me like that.

My poor heart can't take it.

At the end, Miss He was unceremoniously thrown onto the floor.

She sniffled and finally looked up to me.

"Gentleman. I know you are an honourable one."



"And that night, I was really at wits end," she smiled at me fondly. "If Gentleman had not kindly worn clothes for me and called the doctor, I fear my sisters would have gotten the better of me that night."

I gulped.

No. The ML would have saved you.


Please don't look at me like that.

"So, to thank you, this humble servant would like to repay your kindness."

She clutched her sleeves and a small bottle fell out.

Before she could pass it to me, a hand had grabbed the bottle from her hands.

"Miss He. My cousin doesn't need this from you."

He frowned as he looked at me.

I also frowned when I looked at him.

No, I need it.

The living spring waters from the Heroine's space that kept one's youth, and solve a myriad of issues.

Yes I need it.

I turned to grab the bottle but my cousin's very very black eyes stopped me.

Immediately my hands stalled as I looked weakly at him and at Miss He.

"Miss He. I thank you for your kind act. But my illness is incurable."

I stood up weakly as I ushered her away.

"Please, leave. Miss He knows of my reputation. Staying any longer would be of no good to you."

Heroine teared up at my words.

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