First Year at Hogwarts

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Percy woke up at eight in the morning to excited to sleep anymore. He got up and got dressed but not in his school robes. He would do that on the train. Once he was dressed he looked through some of the advance books he got to keep him busy and found the  bottomless spell and without using his wand casted the spell on his book bag along with a spell that would have what he needed out of it without searching once done he out all of his most favorite books in there and started packing everything else in his trunk. Once he was done he went downstairs to have some breakfast.

Harry was already down there and was talking to Moony. They hadn't noticed him yet so he sat down and began thinking how they were going to get there. Then he heard a plate get set down in front of him. When he looked down he saw blue French toast and strawberries with syrup already on them. He thanked Moony and dug in. Once he could talk again he thanked Harry for telling Moony that he liked blue food. As they are not said a word because everyone was really excited and nervous at the same time. Then came the time to leave. Since the train left at 11 am sharp.

When they got to King cross Moony Grabbed a cart to put Percy's school stuff in. While he was doing that Percy and Harry were making sure their scars were hidden from plain sight. Which was kinda hard for them. But Percy was having a little bit more trouble. He had Treasure on him. He tries to put him in his cage but wouldn't listen so Percy ended up having to hid him in his hoody which was hard to do because Treasure wanted to what was going on around them. So he was able to pass Treasure off as a scarf to most but others gave him weird looks.

Once they got into Kings Cross they started passing platforms. They 1,2,3,4...8 then stopped between platform 9 and 10. Moony stared at it for a little bit then turned around to Percy and Harry. "This the way to platform 9 3/4. All we have to do is go through the wall." Percy and Harry who had been living in the wizarding world long enough just trusted Moony. But they were still doubtful.

Moony walked over to Harry and put his arms around him and guided him over to the wall then broke into a run Harry was sprinting to keep up with Moony but when they were about to run into the wall. Harry closed his eyes. But when they never hit the wall he opened his eyes. And they were on a platform. They were also next to a scarlet steam train. Just then Percy appeared next to them and looked amazed at the platform which had a sign that said platform 9 3/4.

"So Percy you find a compartment to put your things in. While me and Harry go talk with the Weasley's." Percy nodded and pushed his trolley towards the train. While Harry and Moony went to the group of people with fire red hair.

Percy was looking for an empty compartment. When he ran into the Weasley twins.

"Hey Fred and George what are you doing?"

"Oh not much just putting our stuff on the train. Oh hey do you want to sit with us."

"Sure I wouldn't mind that at all Fred."

"Hey I'm George he's Fred. If you can't tell us apart then you can't sit with us."

"Actually you are Fred and he's George so you can't trick me." Fred looked surprised that Percy could tell them apart.

"Hey how can you tell us apart?" Demanded George who was angry they couldn't trick Percy.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." Percy said as he put his stuff  in their compartment. This angered the twins so they went to their mom.

"Is there a difference between us mom?" Asked George

"No why" asked Mrs. Weasley with a confused look on her face.

"Percy can tell us apart and won't tell us why." Replied Fred

"Well I would like to know how he can tell you apart and don't act so upset." Replied Mrs. Weasley who was impressed how Percy could tell them apart. Moony heard this and was trying hard not to laugh.

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