Chapter 2: The Aquila Circle

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Hey guys! First and for most, thanks for checking out my story! Out of all the stories on wattpad you chose mine and I’m extremely grateful :) I started this story in October, so I decided to set it in October as well :P Oh, and I think I should mention now that JDP is a semestered school. Students have four classes first semester and four classes second semester.  Now, from my personal experience on wattpad, when the author uploads late or I haven’t had a chance to read updates in a while, I forget who some of the characters are and how they affect the plot. So for my stories, I’ve decided to put a character map just so you guys don’t forget or get confused because there’s gonna be quite a lot of characters :)

Sasha: main character of our story. Has two very loving, well-meaning parents and she’s an only child. Starting high school without knowing anyone and having her friends ditch her changed her view on life, she’s a bit of a cynic. BUT! Underneath all that, she’s a great person (at least that’s what I’m trying to portray her as LOL)

Jasmine: Sasha’s best and only friend. Down to earth and responsible, Jazz only loses control when it comes to the boys of One Direction, or more specifically, Liam.

Luke: Sasha’s dad

Melanie: Sasha’s mom

Enjoy! <3


Chapter 2

Tyler’s POV

            First days are always the worst. I try to dress and look as non-descript as possible but it never works. Dad dropped me off and warned me to be careful. Um duh? What did he think I was going to do? But supposedly this school is different. There are others like me here. I felt a ball of nerves and excitement settle in the pit of my stomach. I found my way to the office where I waited for my schedule and locker number. I was aware of all the people watching me and it made me feel self-conscious. God, what did they expect me to do? Grab a girl and make out with her? Maybe they were waiting for me to spontaneously combust. I grinned at my own joke and noticed a brunette to my left gawking at me. I glanced over at her and her eyes widened. I nodded in her direction and she sent me a small smile. Quickly, she turned on her heel and ran down the hall. I turned my attention back to the secretary.

            “So here’s a map of the school, your schedule and your locker number. I circled where your classes are and where your locker is. Is there anything else you need hun?” I shook my head no.

“Well then, welcome to John D. Parker Tyler, I hope you have a great day.”

“Thanks.” I said smiling softly. I left the office to go find my locker. So far I hadn’t seen anyone that could be a Drakken but I didn’t lose hope. I had no trouble finding my locker and stuck two binders in, keeping the other two for my first two classes: Medieval History and French. I would have never chosen French as one of my electives but Dad says a Drakken should be able to communicate with all other Drakkens around the world. I’m also forced to learn Italian, Russian, Spanish, Latin, and Gaelic. I suck at them all. I head to my first class on the second floor and unfortunately, there’s still ten minutes until class begins and the teacher has not arrived yet so the door is locked. I was starting to get anxious. I still haven’t seen any Drakken. What if Dad was wrong? What if I couldn’t sense the others? Or worse, what if there weren’t any Drakkens here? I stare off into space absent mindedly and notice two girls out of the corner of my eye hiding behind the wall that led into the other hallway. It was the brunette again but she was with someone now. They were whispering urgently when I finally felt it. The feeling that means she’s a Drakken. Whenever one of us meets a member of the Kingdom, we feel as if we have already met before. Of course, I don’t actually know her. How can I explain it? My dad says that because Drakken all have the same fighter blood, our bodies call out to each other. I don’t know about that, but I was glad I can finally talk to a Drakken who’s not related to me or over the age of 50. I’m about to head over when I feel something else. An urgency. There’s something evil lurking around her that stops me before I even move. I’m terrified. What the hell? It’s like there’s a force keeping me from her. She leaves and the feeling of terror finally releases me. I see the brunette approaching me.

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