Part 12

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As i walked through the empty graveyard, i read a few of the names. I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Rosemary White 2007," i read out loud. oh no. not Matt's mom. please no.

i ran to the car and went as fast as the law permitted. i quickly pulled onto my grandfathers street and into the driveway. jumping out of the car, i looked over at Matt's house.

he was that one guy. The one you knew was perfect for you. The one who was your best friend. The one who you tried to have a relationship with, your very first relationship with. The one who got away. He was in the driveway, staring at me. mouth agape.

"Hi Matty," i said just loud enough for him to hear. i slowly walked over to him. giving him time to recover from the shock.

"Lizzie?" i almost cried when i heard him use my old nickname. the one that i forgot when i tried to forget him.

i stopped right in front of him. he was covered with black oil smudges and wearing a plain white t-shirt and jeans.

he didnt say anything. He wrapped his arms around me. "Why didn't you call me?"

"I thought you didn't want me too," he knew i was talking about his mom.

"You know i would've been here," i whispered.

"Seems to me that you were doing just fine," his shoulders tensed.

i let go of him like he was on fire, "You didnt..." i whispered. hoping that he hadnt read any of the tabloids i had been in since the age of 15.

"Of course i did. You know that i still loved you."

"I. Hate. All. Guys. Why cant any of them let me be?! why does everyone have to read the tabloids, and all the shit about what i have done?!" i quickly turned around and started to walk back to my grandfathers house.

"Eliza! it wasn't like that!" He could yell to me all he wanted, but wasn't going to turn around. i am so done with guys. as if my life isn't complicated enough ii didn't need to add another guy into the mix. Matt and I had always been like this. when we were little, we fought like siblings. when we dated we fought. but through it all, i always had a soft spot for Matt.

in some aspects Cape Cod is more of a home to me than New York. i practically lived here every summer and every vacation before my grandmother died.

"Eliza!" i could hear Matt's sneaker-clad feet padding after me.

"What?" i stopped dead in my tracks and turned, not expecting it Matt never had time to stop and he knocked us both over.

"Nice. You ripped my dress," I was fuming.

"What happened to you?" he quickly stood up, leaving me sitting on the ground, and he walked away.

I quickly stood up and rushed back to my grandparents house. Opening the front door i was enveloped with the smell of cinnamon and flowers. The same scent that has been there since I was little.

"Grandpa?" I yelled into the house.

"Up here!" he yelled down to me. I walked upstairs and to my grandparents room. i found m grandfather sitting on the side of his bed holding my grandmothers jewlery box in his hands.


"Your grandmother said you were going to come back, and she told me to give you this. When she found out she was dying she started collecting things for you. i know she's missing you right now the same way you're missing her," he said, handing me the box and standing up. i sat down on the bed as he left the room.

right on top there was a note:

My Darling Granddaughter,

I never expected to die so soon, and i am so sorry for that. I always expected to be there for you when you were getting married or having children, because i know your mother was never there. I hope that after i pass, that your father will be there for you, the same way he is now. Everything in this box is meant for you. I hope your grandfather didn't loose this, you know how he can get sometimes. Everything i cherished i left in here for you, hoping that you cherish it too.

I love you more than words can say and remember that even though I'm gone, I'm here.

Love, Grandma

PS: go into my closet and in the chest there are a few more things that i wanted you to have.

my teardrops were dripping onto the page. i stood up and went to the closet, kneeling down to open the chest. right on top was a black vintage Chanel dress. it was gorgeous. i slowly lifted it out and looked underneath. there were a stack of black and brown leather journals. i picked one up and opened it:

July 22, 1963

Dear Journal,

i have met the one. he's absolutely perfect. i love him to the core and i know that i am going to marry him.

With love,


i smiled. knowing that my grandparents had gotten married in December of 1963. Slowly putting the journal and the dress back in the small chest. i pulled it out of the closet and put the jewelry box inside with it.

walking down the stairs carrying the box i called from my grandfather.

"Yeah 'Liza?" he answered

"Can I stay with you for a few days?"

"Of course you can darlin'. Know, what do you want for dinner?" 

After spending a few days hiding out on the Cape, I knew it was time to go back to school.


Now two hours later I'm landing in the field at school. Slowly getting out and carrying the chest, i walked up to my room. i began knocking on the door because i forgot my key. New start. A girl with long blond hair opened the door.

"who are you?" i asked?

"Mandy? who are you?"

"I'm their roommate?"



btw do you remember Mandy...Aarons ex? (:

muahahahaha(evil laugh)lol

Stuck at Boarding School, Rooming with 3 GuysWhere stories live. Discover now