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He was rushed to the ER. Maryam and her team did every possible thing to make him stable. After running a lot of tests, she found out his blood pressure is high which made him to faint. He was taken to a private room while she went out to inform his father and step mother about his condition.

Alhaji Muhammad scrambled up when he saw her walking towards them. "Maryam, how is he? Ya tashi kuwa? (Did he wake up?)" Umma asked worriedly. Maryam smiled a bit and shook her head. "No Umma but he will be awake in few hours, In sha Allah. But...." she paused and took a deep breath. "His blood pressure was very high which made him to faint. Umma, is there anything bothering Mahmud that he didn't tell me please?"

They stood still in shock. Alhaji Muhammad was out of words. "Maryam, you know Mahmud better than I do. We don't get the chance to sit and talk anymore ever since he moved out of the house to his own. I know it will be hard for him to tell anyone what is bothering him but you, so please help us and find out."

She swallowed hard and nodded. "I'll take care of him," she both looked at them. "May Allah bless you and give you a great spouse, my daughter," Alhaji Muhammad prayed. She replied sheepishly with Ameen. She went to his room while they left. She sat beside his bed and watched him as he sleep peacefully. His face looked pale, lips were dry. She shook her head wondering what could possibly be the problem. Why is he hiding his problems from her? It could not be because of his mother's death that caused that.

She sat there thinking of what could possibly be wrong with her best friend. She stood up from the chair when her phone indicated it was time for Zuhr prayer. She ordered Amanda to bring in her hijab and prayer mat to his room. She couldn't leave his side. She prayed and made her Du'a and stayed like that while silently reciting some Du'as.

She was deep lost in her ocean of thoughts when she heard his pale voice calling her in his sleep. "Manha.... I can't hold it anymore.... Manha...."

She rose up quickly and approached him. "Mahmud? I'm here. Look at me," she said softly, fighting back the tears. He finally opened his tired eyes and looked at her. "How are you feeling? Do you feel any pain?" She asks with concern. He stared at her without saying anything. He closed his eyes and smiled weakly. "I'm okay," he replied. She smiled back wiping her tears. "You still look cute when you cry." She rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Let's be serious here. You scared me. You've been unconscious for hours."

He beamed at her as if he wasn't feeling pains in his chest. "Salamu Alaikum," Umma came in. Maryam moved back a bit, greeting back. "Welcome back Umma," she said, helping her with the food basket. "Thank you my dear. Masha Allah he's awake, Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah." She praises. "Mahmuda? You really scared us."

"Umma I'm fine," he chuckled. "This has never happened to you so definitely we must be worried."

"I'll get my things to check him," Maryam said and excused herself. He stared at her till she closed the door. "Mahmuda when are you going to confess your love for this girl? She deserves to know and maybe she feels the same way about you," Umma advised. He shook his head, "no Umma. She sees me as a brother and best friend. Yes I love her but I do not wish to ruin our beautiful friendship."

"One day she will find out and I pray she finds out before it's too late."

• •

"Make sure you take all your drugs as prescribed. Please please please I'm begging you Mahmud, make sure you take them because it's very important, okay?" She talked as they walked out to the parking lot. "I promise you, I will take care of myself, trust me." He assured. She nodded and smile. "Yauwaa, Please tell him he has to stay with us till he recovers fully," Ummah interrupts their staring contest. "You heard her," Maryam said giving him a pointed look.

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