Chapter 50 - Our Faith

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8 months later........

"Ahn Yujinnnnnnn!!!!! Hurryyyyy!!! Arrghhhhh!!"

Wonyoung is screaming like a mad woman now. She scared me just now. I was too busy reading and understanding my patients' medical record when I heard her. I quickly ran to our bedroom and saw her sitting on our bed holding her big tummy.

"Why baby??! Why??!" I panicking.

"I broke my water!! This is hurt! I'm giving birth over here! It's hurt!" Wonyoung screamed again.

"Whaaaaattttt??!!! Are you serious right now??!!!" I'm holding her shoulder, and hand on her tummy.

"Do I look like I'm joking over here??!!! Ahn Yujin!!!!!! Where's your brain??!" Wonyoung screamed again. One hand on her tummy, one on her waist.

Goddd! What should I do? Wonjin is sleeping now. It's already 11. Everyone is sleeping at this hour. What should I do? God! Help me!

"Idiot!!! Arrrrhhhhhh!!! Do something!! It's hurt for God sake!!!"

Eunbi! Eunbi! She popped out into my mind. I ran to get the phone and called her.

"Eunbi noona..... Please help...."

"Ahn Yujin? Whyyy.... Whatt...?"

"The baby will be out at any moment now. Can you come here now?"

"Ahn Yujinnnnn!!!" I ran to Wonyoung as I heard her.

"Ahhhhhhh!!! Ouuchhhhhh!! Baby!!!" She pulled my hair. Strong grip she got there. I feel like all my hair is falling out my head.

"Get me to the hospital nowwwwww!!!" She pulled them harder. Oh God!

Eunbi then came. With her husband, Hyewon. Yes, they're getting back together. Eunhye is not with them. I know. She must be with her grandparents.

"Hyung, noona, please take care of Wonjin. I need to take her to the hospital."

"Eunbi will take care of him. I'll drive. You need to hold Wonyoung. Who knows she might give birth in the car."

"Hyunggg--- Whattt????"

"You two! Don't joke around! Hurry! Wonyoung can't hold it anymore!" Eunbi shouted from the room.

Way to the Hospital

"Rilex baby.... Rilex.... Breathe out... Breathe in.... Hold it.... We're almost there...." I said in the back seat. Hyewon hyung driving so fast so we could reach the hospital as soon as possible.

"Rilex your assssss! It's fucking hurt Ahn Yujinnnn!!! Aarrrhhhhhh!!" She slapped me then pulled my hair again. Dear God, please remind me that she's my lovely sweet wife.

"Ouchhhh---!! Please hold it.. Arrghhhh!! Wonyoung-ah...--- oouuchhh!" She tightened her grip more. I'll really lose my hair soon.

"It's getting outtttt!!!!!" She shouted with her high notes.

"Whhaatttt????!!! Waiiittttt!!"

"This can't waitttt you idiottttt!!!"

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